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Last month was very, very busy!  I drew another 25 pages worth of comic book pages in my sketchbook, and the first 4 chapters, roughly 80 pages, are almost completely planned out and ready for the coloring phase.

At this point, I have no reason to believe I won't make my launch date (August 8th), and considering I have enough pages sketched out right now that will last long into late 2019, even if they are being posted weekly, I think I'll have plenty of time to get them all colored too.

I also realize now that, by having such a large backlog of sketched art, going back and coloring the first few pages is actually kinda painful, because I was certainly out of practice when I started drawing this comic last year.  Oh well.  I'm going to be using the first few pages of the comic as kind of a... test... while I try a few different coloring methods and see what is efficient and sustainable and what produces a better quality finished image, so hopefully the inconsistent style in the beginning doesn't seem too unprofessional.  >.>

So... where we stand currently... even if I hit any snags or delays getting the webcomic's actual website running by August, the comic pages will be available both here on Patreon and on my profile at Furaffinity too.  I'll probably become more active on here and post some extras as we get closer to August 8th, but for now, I'm gonna have my nose to the coloring grindstone.


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