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Hey y'all. I was thinking about something for Q4 of this year.   It's been hard to find the time and willpower to sit down and write lately. I think for Q4 I need a bit of a break. So, I think instead of writing requests, I may offer CharaStudio scenes instead. I can do those a lot quicker than writing, and require less mental fortitude from me. Plus, I also wanna use the time to finally get SPH Quest playable.

Here's how I'm thinking it'll translate:   

250 Words- A single still image with 1-3 characters.   
500 Words- A 4-panel comic.  
1000 Words- A 2-page comic  
Developers- A 4-page comic.   

Let me know what y'all think of this idea in the comments or over on Discord.


Broken Unicorn

Works for me. Might need some extra time to brainstorm. What modles do you have access too?


It would be easiest if you draw from characters I've done scenes with before, but I can try to hunt down others, but no guarantee I can find a good version of a given character, so we'll discuss it.