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You wander down the hallway, head full of thoughts. None of them pertained to the direction you were walking, however. This led to a headfirst collision between you and another person in the hallway, sending both of you toppling to the floor in a flurry of papers and bookbags. 

Trying to collect yourself after the sudden shock, you turn to see who you'd just hit. The white and blue uniform indicated it was a student, and the bright red hair, which was nothing if not distinctive, told you exactly who it was; you'd bumped headfirst into Asuka.

"Anta baka!" she shouted. "Can't you watch where you're going!?" She struggled to her feet.

"I could ask you the same!" You retort, trying to stand up as well.

"I swear, you boys at this school are totally reckless! I could've gotten hurt!"

"Maybe you wouldn't have fallen if you had bigger 'airbags'..." You think to yourself, scanning over Asuka's modest bust.

She scowled. "What was that!?"

Oh fuck. You must have said it out loud.

The scowl not leaving her face, Asuka stepped toward you, getting her face barely an inch away from yours.

"You have some nerve trying to criticize my breasts when you have a würstchen!" She blurted right in your face.

"A… a what??" You had no idea what she was talking about.

"Ugh, doesn't anyone here speak German?" She rolled her eyes, and then raised her pinky finger in your face. "It means 'small sausage!'" 

"I… What makes you think I have..." Your face blushed, unable to finish the sentence.

"I know your type." She asserts. "But if you wanna prove me wrong..." 

She pushed your shoulder to the side, forcing you into the door of the boys' room. 

"H-hey! Lemme go! And you're not supposed to be in here!" She seemed to care little for your objections though, and kept pushing until she had you cornered against the back wall. 

"Show me your dick." She ordered, staring directly at your crotch. 

"What?! No way!" 

"Fine." She cocked a smile. "I'll do it for you."

With lightning speed, she tucked her fingers into your uniform trousers and the waistband of your underwear and yanked them down to your knees. With your meager, acorn-sized flaccid cock on display, the cruel redhead burst into a fit of laughter. You seethed with humiliation.

"Boys with such underdeveloped dicks have no business making fun of my breasts, considering they'll never even get to see them!" She continued. "My body is only for hung men!"

"But if they're hung, why would they want to see a pancake-chest like yours when they can go look at big ones?" You retort without thinking. 

Her scowl returned as she wound back her fist and let it fly, making firm contact with your exposed testes. 

As you fall over, doubled over in pain, you hear her mutter to herself on the way out of the boys' room. "Wertloser kleiner Schwanz ..."


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