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Peach stared at the door of the salon, afraid to go in. She knew this was probably one of Bowsette's schemes. But after all, what kind of princess would she be if she didn't give everyone, even Bowsette, the benefit of the doubt when she wanted to extend her friendship? And besides, she could really use a tan before bikini season started… She steeled her nerves and walked inside. 

"Princess!" Bowsette excitedly greeted her in the lobby. "How nice of you to actually join me. I promise this will be a fun experience for us!" 

"I certainly hope so!" Peach replied. "What does this special spa package of yours have?" 

"Oh, facial treatment, mud bath, massage, waxing, that kind of thing, and then a full-body tanning bed session!" Bowsette answered. "The works!" 

"Sounds like a great time!" 

The two take their places as the spa staff applied the masks to their face and the cucumber slices to their eyes. The two unlikely friends began turning likelier by the minute, their conversation rapidly evolving to boys, gossip, fashion, and other girlish topics. Somehow, the longtime enemies were actually bonding as their day-long spa ritual continued.

"You know, you're not all that bad after all." Peach remarked as a couple of Toads massaged their backs. "I was afraid to even come here today since I thought this was going to be another one of your schemes, but we've actually hit it off!" 

Bowsette grinned. "Glad to hear it!" 

Finally, it was time to finish their day of treatment with a nice go in the tanning bed. The staff showed the two blondes to their rooms. 

Peach smiled as she undressed and put the shades over her eyes, settling into the bright glowing bed. The lid clicked closed, and the princess breathed a relaxed sigh as she got comfortable.

Minutes later, the door silently opened, Bowsette lurking in the doorway with an evil grin. Her plan had gone perfectly. She snatched the pink dress and lingerie from the floor, carrying them under her arm. Phase one complete, she walked back out in the hall, pulling the fire alarm. 

The sudden blaring siren jolted Peach out of her relaxation. Startled, she threw open the lid and scrambled for the door of the salon. 

As she bolted back through the entrance, she suddenly felt a chill and heard a few rounds of laughter and hooting. She then recalled she was still wearing the blinders from the tanning bed. standing before her was the entire Mushroom Kingdom Fire Brigade responding to the alarm, as well as a camera-carrying Lakitu from the local news. 

Right in the center of the chaos, however, was Bowsette, holding a familiar pink dress. With horror, Peach realized what the laughter was about; she was still entirely nude! She turned a vibrant shade of red as she scrambled to cover her breasts and her privates with her arms, humiliated. 

"I knew you had an eye for interior design, Princess!" Bowsette quipped, "The carpet matches the drapes!"


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