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Your heart racing, you shut and locked the door to the dark, dingy room at the inn you'd rented. 

Getting down on hands and knees, you search frantically under the bed until you find what you're looking for; a potato sack stashed there the day before by your accomplice. 

Inside the sack were bundles of cash bound with rubber bands and a handful of watches and jewelry. Sure enough, it was what you'd been looking for; the loot from the train robbery you and your pal had committed a few days ago outside Strawberry. When the law pursuit, you had to split up and pull off the backup plan the two of you had discussed, where he'd stash your share of the haul in this room for you to collect the next day. 

You let yourself feel a little relief at the fact that it was still there, but couldn't relax too much yet, especially with your face on every wanted poster in town and a price on your head that no bounty hunter could turn down.

You start throwing the bundles of cash into your suitcase, haphazardly counting it as you went. There were thousands of dollars here, way more than you'd thought.

You stood up, all the loot accounted for, and closed the suitcase. You turned to head back out the door, only for it to be dramatically kicked open in your face. 

Standing in the doorway was none other than Sadie Adler, one of the most feared bounty hunters this side of Saint Denis. 

"Don't move, hands up!" She barked at you, aiming one of her twin Cattleman revolvers at your head. Startled, you reflexively complied and put your hands in the air, dropping the suitcase. 

"I'm taking you in on three counts of robbery. And a whole bushel of other charges, I reckon." She calmly explained, producing rope from her belt. 

"Now, strip." She ordered. "Slowly." 

"W-what?!" You demanded. Surely that was an abuse of her power. 

"You ain't in a position to be askin' questions. But I gotta make sure you don't got any hidden weapons on you." She pulled back the hammer of her revolver with a click. "So, strip."

Left with no other choice, you started by unbuttoning your shirt.

"Ah ah," She chastised. "I said slowly." A faint smile crossed her lips. She was most definitely enjoying this way too much. 

As slowly as you could manage, you finished unbuttoning and removed it, followed by your undershirt. Gripping your belt buckle, you looked back at her to make sure she still wanted you to keep going. Her unyielding glare confirmed it. 

Sighing, you unclasped your belt and let your jeans hit the floor. The pretty bounty hunter now had you in just your underpants. 

"Keep going." She brandished her weapon again. 

"You can't be serious." You try to dissuade her. 

"Plenty of room to hide a weapon in your underdrawers." She smiled. "Seen it before, ain't takin' that risk again."

Humiliated, you give in and pull your cotton shorts down, naked as the day you were born. 

Sadie's smile then grew into a fit of giggles. "Well, I was right to be worried about a concealed weapon, but it ain't no more than a derringer!" She snickered. 

Reflexively, you cover your package, which had shriveled up to far less than normal out of fear. "I-I promise it's more impressive-" 

"Save it." She interrupted you. "I know you boys wanna impress ladies, but I've seen my share of pickles, and you're more of a gherkin." She cocked her head and began approaching you with the rope, which she began using to tie your wrists and ankles. "Besides, I wouldn't be too worried about impressing any ladies, cause they ain't got any ladies where you're going!" 

She pushed the gun into your back from behind. "Forward march!"

"Hey, at least pull my pants up!" You protested. You would do it yourself if your wrists weren't bound.

"I ain't got time for this." She pushed you. You began shuffling forward as best you could with both your jeans and rope around your ankles. 

As you progressed into the hall, you were met by three of the most gorgeous prostitutes you'd ever seen coming in the opposite direction. The three ladies of ill repute all averted their gaze, but could not suppress their laughter.

"Nothin' to see here, ladies!" Sadie barked from behind. "Well, very little to see anyhow." This got an uproarious laugh from the trio.

Somehow, going to jail WASN'T the worst thing happening to you today. 


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