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Your door violently swings open in the middle of the night, jolting you awake. Stirring in your sheets, you barely have time to register what's going on when a cruel, shrill voice cuts through the air.

"Rise and shine, shrimpdick!" She shrieked. 

The voice owner stepped further into the room. The faint morning light poking through the gap in the curtains let you identify her: It was the glasses-brunette sorority girl who had measured you the day before! She grinned at you with her hands behind her back, like a supervillain. 

And she wasn't alone! At least half a dozen of her Sigma Phi Heta sisters poured into your room behind her, giggling at the top of their lungs. 

A blonde one pulls down the bedsheets as you frantically try to scramble to your feet, desperate to get away. A pair of them has other plans, however, each one grabbing one of your arms and holding you up with more strength than their petite, feminine physique would suggest. 

Once they had you firmly restrained, the rest of them surrounded you in a tight perimeter as their glasses-girl leader took a few steps closer to you.

"So, I'm sure you could have already guessed, but we've decided on the new Little Man on Campus!" She gleefully announced, her sisters laughing and applauding at the news. "And I'm sure you're also smart enough to guess who it is...!" 

"Ready girls!" She ordered as she revealed what she'd been holding behind her back: A felt costume crown with the words L.M.O.C embroidered onto it in bold red letters! 

Simultaneously, she shoved the crown down on top of your head, and the girls who held your arms back tugged down your boxer shorts. You hadn't realized until this moment, but you had full-sail morning wood. Meaning, of course, your captors were seeing everything you had to offer. 

The reveal was met exactly as you'd expect: howling giggles, two-finger gestures, and pinky waves from the cruel goddesses. 

"Holy shit I didn't know they could BE that small!!" chirped the busty blonde.

"All my toys are at least three times bigger than that!" quipped another.

"Hun, the BATTERIES in my toys are at least three times bigger than that!" A ginger tomboy one-upped her.

Apparently hearing the giggle fit, and recognizing it was time to break in the new L.M.O.C., a few other girls from neighboring dorms began poking their heads into your room and offering their own laughs. Once again, you struggled to get free, but the girls holding your arms were steadfast. Eventually, you went limp and resigned yourself to your fate, hoping that soon, your penis would do the same.

"How much longer is this gonna go on?" You finally ask the brunette leader. 

"Oh, we're just getting started!" She folded her arms under her breasts. "I'd say 'welcome to the worst day of your life,' but..." She grinned. "We have PLENTY of worse days already planned for you!"


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