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Hi everyone.  I know I like to keep politics out of my community but this is of vital importance.  

There is a bipartisan bill in the Senate called SISEA. I won't bore you with the details, but it's intended to protect victims of involuntary pornography, but the bill has far-reaching regulations that could effectively destroy sex work and pornographic content. You can read more about its effects here: https://www.xbiz.com/news/256391/senators-propose-far-reaching-new-adult-industry-regulations

I urge all of you located in the US to contact your senators and explain to them how vital it is that this bill does not pass. An easy way to do this is to use Resistbot here: https://resist.bot/ This will automatically find who your representatives are, and directly fax your message to them.   

Those of you who are not in the US, please try and spread the word to any American friends you might have.   

Thank you, and I love you all.



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