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Hey everyone! One of my patrons requested I write a story to introduce a character from SPH Quest! I chose the first of the characters I created, Violetta Winters, a witch who specializes in sexual magic. Hope you enjoy her, and look forward to seeing more of her in the future! Thanks, and enjoy!

You'd spent an hour trekking through the woods, following a hastily-scribbled set of directions on a scrap of parchment. You'd obeyed the parchment's instructions to the letter; 100 yards from the town's south gate you'd come to the treeline. From there you walk for about half a mile, then head northeast at the fallen log with the toadstools growing on it, and then continue until you finally come across the cottage.

It had felt like forever since you'd passed the toadstool log, and you were starting to wonder if you'd gotten lost. Perhaps you'd gone northwest instead of northeast? Just as you were considering turning back, however, you spotted something through the treeline. A small cottage sitting far out in the woods, a large circular window to the left side and a purple ribbon mounted to the door, exactly as described. Smoke billowed from the chimney; someone was home. 

Relived to actually find the place, you fished for your parchment directions to figure out what to do next. The next step simply read "Knock EXACTLY three times."

Stepping up to the unassuming wooden door, you did as the note directed. Bang, bang, bang. A second later, the door opened itself, no one on the other side.

With little other option, you took this as a sign that you were welcome to enter. You take a step over the threshold to enter a well-decorated foyer. A coatrack below a large mirror was home to an array of dark-colored cloaks and pointed hats. The corner featured a large, maroon sofa, clearly an expensive one, beneath a shelf of occult-looking bottles and knick-knacks. A large doorway loomed opposite the one you'd entered through, though whatever was on the other side was obscured by a curtain. But the most obvious feature of the room was a large, round rug in the center of the floor that was dyed with the pattern of a summoning circle. There was no doubt anymore; this was the domain of a witch.

As you were taking in the room, the curtain that blocked the doorway suddenly flew open, and through walked the largest pair of breasts you had ever seen! A second later, you realized the immense bosom was attached to a woman; a beautiful, curvaceous one with hair a shade of violet that was almost black, round-framed glasses, and a floor-length black dress that showed off a large amount her generous endowment.

"Hello, dear. I'm Violetta!" She greeted you warmly. "What can I do for you today?"

You just stared. You knew she'd probably be beautiful. But this was almost TOO much. The mere second you'd spent in her presence so far was already causing a stiffness to develop in your trousers. You opened your mouth to reply, but Violetta cut you off before you could get the words out. 

"Wait, no, don't tell me!" She smiled, amused at her own guessing game. She eyed you up and down for a moment and then clicked her tongue. "Let me guess... love potion?"

You blinked and realized you'd not exactly been making eye contact. You quickly re-oriented your focus from her chest to her face. She got it exactly right. "Um, yeah," you admit. "How did you know?"

The witch smiled smugly. "Oh, I'm very good at guessing what a client wants," she explained, though it wasn't much of an explanation. "Some young lady caught your fancy?" She asked in turn.

"Oh, yes..." You admitted. She's good. Your mind filled with images of the young lady in question. The beautiful barmaid in town...

"Love potions are something I can certainly do. A bit of a specialty for me, actually..." Violetta explained. You let out a mild sigh of relief to hear you hadn't come all this way for nothing. "But they don't come cheap.

Of course. You expected this part, and instinctively reached for the sack of coins fastened to your belt.

"Ah ah ah, not money." Violetta interrupted you. "See, I can't just let lads like yourself go around magically making young ladies fall in love with them." She smiled. "That'd be chaos! So before I can give you what you want, I need you to... prove yourself.

"Prove myself?" You repeated.  "Like some kind of test?"

"Exactly!" The witch enthused. "You'll need to prove to me that you're worthy of a lady's love before I can hand over a potion."

"How exactly do I do that?" You wondered. 

"Well..." Violetta grinned wide, wider than she had before, like she was on the verge of cracking up. "The first test is easy."

She held her hand in the air beside her, her palm open and her elbow at a right angle. She made a fist, but then lifted her index and ring fingers, and then flicked her wrist downward, like a "swish" motion. Miraculously, you felt your pants and undergarments rapidly descend to the floor, as if someone had yanked them down. Your half-erect package was put on full display in less than a second.

With a gasp, you immediately tried to cover yourself with your hands. But it was too late; the witch had seen all she needed to see, and it was enough to push her over the edge. Cruel laughter poured from her lips.

"That's a failure, I'm afraid." She said through her giggles. "I can't doom a fellow woman to a life of loving a boy with such... poor endowment." She held up her pinky finger.

"I'm a grower!" You barked back, humiliated. It was almost subconscious; it had been the response you had always instinctively retorted whenever someone belittled your undersized genitalia. 

"Oh really?" Violetta raised a skeptical eyebrow. "Let's test that theory."

Violetta gripped the plunging neckline of her dress and pulled it to either side, freeing her oversized bosom. They were so massive that it was almost comical. Your eyes shot open wide as your eyeline magnetized to her two tantalizing orbs. They were practically hypnotic. Actually, considering she's a witch, her breasts might literally have cast some kind of spell on you. 

You could hear her snickering as you stared, your apparent IQ dropping every second you ogled her huge bust. Your hands, acting on their own instinct, reached out slowly to try and touch them. So awestruck were you, you failed to realize your hands reaching for her breasts meant they were no longer covering your package, which had become fully erect, no doubt.

The sight of your penis' helpless salute only made the witch laugh even harder, but still, your eyes and hands were undeterred. Your fingertips finally made contact and pressed into her warm, soft, doughy chest-flesh. The sensory overload of her unbelievable jugs overwhelmed your pent-up erection; your knees trembled as a weak, single rope of semen dripped from your tip and dripped onto the floor.

Violetta's cackles of amusement had grown to the point where she laughed so hard that no sound was escaping. She took a moment to regain her composure while you were lost in your half-conscious ecstasy of fondling her fat chest.

When she decided you'd gotten enough, she snapped her fingers. You suddenly become fully lucid. Instinctively, you gasped and pulled your hand away from her breast, only to look down and see the shameful stain you'd made. You couldn't even bear to look back up at her.

"I think we both know you failed." She explained, still a hint of laughter in her voice. "If you have a cock so teensy, and can't even handle the sight of a woman's bosom without shooting off, I can't let you curse that young lass to a life of never achieving an orgasm." She explained, mortifyingly. "Come see me again if you think you've managed to become sexually competent, though!" She laughed as she held up her hand in a 'stop' gesture, pushing forward. 

You slid backward on your heels, out the door you'd come through, unable to resist. Once you'd crossed back over the threshold, the door slammed in your face by itself. You sighed, pulled up your pants, and began the long, lonesome walk back to town.


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