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Hi all. First of all I want to assure you all that despite some bullcrap going on in my personal life, I am still working on this quarter's requests as best I can. 

But this post isn't about that. This morning I was struck with some inspiration to create a modest-sized SPH visual novel! This would be my most ambitious project yet, as game development of any kind is something I have little to no experience with, though I've been looking into visual novel engines. However, this project will require one thing I can't provide: Original art.  

Before I get too carried away with this, I'd like to know if this is something my followers would be interested in, first of all. I'm considering creating a higher-value tier (Something like $30 or $40) that has the same benefits as my $20 tier, with the additional money going exclusively to the development of the visual novel. Of course, I'd also like to have some kind of additional game-related reward for that tier as well, but for right now I'm stumped as to what that could be. Regardless, my question is this: If I were to create this higher reward tier and put the funds from that towards the game, would you be interested in bumping up your pledge to support it?


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