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 Hey y'all, this was a patron's October request. I've got another request to do next week, then the week after filled in with a character poll! Hope y'all enjoy.

Tim's phone buzzed while he was in the middle of a game. When he paused to check it out, it was nothing he could ever have anticipated. The text read:

Hey man gonna have a party at my place tonight gonna be lit so be there bro! lol

Summer Smith just invited him to a party.

Quickly, Tim threw on some nice clothes and flew out the door. On the walk over, he tried to process the reality of the situation. Summer Smith wasn't exactly one of the school popularity queens like Jessica or Tammy, but she was pretty good-looking and way, way above his own tier of popularity. Tim knew he was kind of one of the nerds. So why would she invite him to a party? Made no sense.

He tried to ponder possible reasons, but by the time he'd reached the Smith house, he still had nothing. The dull roar of a party crowd and muffled music confirmed you had the right place.

He knocked on the front door, and soon, it was answered by no less than Summer herself!

"Heyyy!" Summer said in a drawn-out, overly excited fashion. From the look and smell of her, Tim guessed she'd already had at least a couple drinks. But before he even had a chance to reply to her inebriated greeting, she kept going.

"Come with meee!" She said in a sing-song voice, pulling him by the arm in the direction of the stairs. "I've got something to show you!" Stepping around the party guests, Summer dragged Tim to the top of the stairs, where the party had yet to migrate. Tim realized with slight panic that she was trying to get him alone.

Once at the top of the stairs, Summer cornered Tim against her bedroom door, getting closer and closer, until her face was barely an inch away from his.

"Wanna know why I invited you to the party, Tim?" She said in a breathy whisper that smelled of booze.

All Tim could reply with was "Uh, why?"

She lowered her eyelids into a seductive expression. "Because, you were always kind of a shy little nerd, and I figured you could use some help getting social." She said nicely.

"R-really?" Tim stammered out.

Summer gave a drunk-laugh. "Well, sorta. I also figured someone as nerdy as you would be DTF with no issues, and it always turns out in the movies that nerds are great fucks.” She whispers.

Oh no.

With no further warning, Summer opened the bedroom door and pushed Tim inside. He stumbled backwards onto the bed, but soon propped himself up on his elbows. The room was dark, and he couldn't see quite what Summer was doing, but he heard a soft rustling noise.

"I've got a nice surprise for you..." she said. A moment later, her finger clicked on the room's lights. The sudden illumination revealed a beautiful sight: Summer Smith, completely in the nude.

"Get a good look at this. You like?"

Instantly, Tim felt a tightness in his pants. The gorgeous feminine curves of Summer's body overwhelmed his virgin physiology. Her breasts, her midriff, her hips, all the picture of youthful beauty. It was happening already, and there was no stopping it now...  With an un-masculine grunt, Tim fired off a load of ejaculate in his pants.

"What's with that face?" Summer inquired, perplexed. But then, his body language and the dark stain on the crotch of his jeans suddenly made sense to her. "Oh damn, did you just jizz your pants already!?" She asked incredulously. But rather than wait for a reply, she immediately buried her face in her hands and started laughing hysterically.

"Oh man, that sucks! One look was all it takes, huh?" She teased, before switching to an apologetic tone.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I shouldn't laugh. Maybe it's been a while or something... But now that we've got the easy one out of the way, heh, let's see what you've got!"

She kneels down at the edge of the bed. Before Tim had a chance to defend himself, she completely undid his fly and fished out his genitalia, which, much to Summer's shock, were ridiculously undersized. She let loose a gasp, but as soon as the initial shock faded, she went right back to the hysterical cackling she had been doing just a moment ago.

"Oh, come on!" She blurted through her laughter. Not only are you a quick-shot who nuts your pants at the drop of a hat, You've got a three-inch little shrimpdick!" She pretty much fell over laughing.

"I guess the movies were wrong about nerdy guys. Hell, not even my little brother nuts that quick!" She elaborated through her giggles, as she started pulling her clothes on. As she calmed down, she went from amused to annoyed.

"Oh man, I knew I took a risk, since you're such a nerd, but I needed that cock. I figured your virgin vibe might be hiding a secret sex machine, but that’s just Hollywood bullcrap." She pulled on her tank top, re-covering her perky breasts.

"You'd better go." She said coldly. "Don't forget to put that thing away."

Tim agreed, but didn't say anything. He stood up, did up his pants again, and slipped past Summer and down the stairs.

The party didn't notice their absence, at least not at first. Tim didn't stop to mingle, and instead just slipped out the front door he'd come in through.

As he was walking away, he sounded what heard like Summer's voice yelling, followed by a wave of uproarious laughter from the entire party. He could only assume Summer had told the story of the events that had transpired. It hurt, but what could he do?

The next Monday at school, Tim was met with quite a few points and whispers, but more than anything, almost every girl gave a hushed giggle as he passed. And more than a few waved their pinky-fingers at him. So much for losing his virginity before graduating.


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