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 You wake in Urbosa's sleeping quarters. After Sirefi and Ukame had  dragged you to this dark bedroom, they stripped you of your clothing and  tied you to a plain wooden chair in the corner, to which your arms and  legs were still bound. A moment later they gagged you with a cloth as  well. With a few more cruel verbal barbs, they left you in the unlit  room alone. How long exactly was impossible to determine, but it had  been long enough for you to drift off to sleep. 

The room wasn't pitch black, there was enough light that you had guessed the sun was starting to rise. As you blink away your grogginess and your eyes adjust to the dark, you are slightly startled to realize that you are not alone. Someone, presumably Lady Urbosa herself, was laying in the large four-poster bed in the center of the room. 

Almost the moment following your realization of her presence, a spark of light flashes over the bed, illuminating a nearby oil lamp. The newly-illuminated Lady Urbosa rolls to her side in her bed, turning to face you.

"Oh, looks like you're finally awake." She teases. "If just the little bit of playing with you we did last night was enough to exhaust you, you'll really be put through your paces today..." she says, half taunting and half threatening. Too intimidated to respond even if you weren't gagged, you just sit there with no response. 

She sits up in her bed and swings her feet over the side, stepping out from under the sheet. This reveals that the towering, tanned, toned Gerudo queen sleeps completely in the nude. The perky round breasts and waxed genitalia of the chieftain proves to be a statuesque vision that causes your naked nethers to begin stiffening. Urbosa notices your visible arousal.

"Looks like you're not the only one who's awake..." She quips, wiggling a pinky finger in the air. Still nude, she crosses the room to a bell on a rope, which she pulls to cause the brass to ring. Moments later, four more Gerudo file into the room. It takes a second but you recognize them; Two of them are Sirefi and Ukame, and the other two are the pair that were guarding Urbosa's throne the night before. Their veils covered their mouths, but all four of them were smiling with their eyes.

"Ladies, you remember our new... toy." Urbosa said. She embellished the objectifying word to illicit a small chorus of giggles. 

"It's time to... appraise him before we make full use of him." Urbosa explained, as she looked over the line of guards. What precisely did that mean, you wondered? You didn't have to guess long, because Urbosa soon pointed to one of the two guards who had stood by the throne the night before. 

"Hanoru." She ordered. "Harden him. Use your mouth. And Ojari..." she continued, pointing to the other throne guard. "Be ready with the measuring stick." 

Were they going to... suck you off to get you hard, then measure your erection? That's certainly what it sounded like. 

Hanoru's eyes sank, clearly not looking forward to the task she had been assigned. However, both of the guards responded "Yes, Lady Urbosa!" in unison. 

Ojari produced a foot-long wooden ruler. Ubosa stepped aside as the two towering guards step closer, Hanoru fumbling to unclasp her facial veil and Ojari getting the ruler at the ready.

The first Gerudo, her beautiful face now fully exposed, dropped to her knees, staring at your semi-erect endowment, resigning herself to what she clearly considered a sordid and unpleasant task. Eventually though, her gorgeous brown lips pressed themselves against the tip of your half-erection, before slowly, warmly enveloping your entire meager shaft in one effortless mouthful, a feat that seemed to amuse Hanoru as she exhaled a laugh through her nose. Careful not to forget her duty, you felt her tongue dexterously twirl around your cocktip, an action which stiffened you almost instantly. 

Once again, the unexpected ease of her task seemed to give her another bout of nose-giggles. Since her task was to get you hard, she gives you a few extra sucks for good measure (a feat which almost causes you to blow your load already) before sliding her lips off your now throbbing (but still diminutive) cock. 

A moment later, Ojari held the ruler over the topside of your endowment, and with a laugh in her voice, loudly called out your measurement to the entire room.

"Three and a half inches!" She shrieks.

This is responded to by a deafening chorus of vicious laughter. Hanoru fell to the floor sideways and howls with laughter in the fetal position. Sirefi and Ukame collapse into each other. Urbosa herself presses her face into her palms, and when she finally pulled them away, there was a tear of laughter streaming down her face.

Every time one of them would look at you, they would start laughing all over again. It took several agonizing minutes for calm to finally be restored.

"I believe that's a kingdom record!" was the first intelligible thing Urbosa broke the silence with. "It's honestly so pathetic that I can't think of how to put him to good use. I mean, there's no way he'll be of any use in the harem!" She turned to her entourage. "...But I'm open to suggestions.

Ojari cleared her throat. "Lady Urbosa, I believe I have an idea." spoke the guard who hadn't done so until now. Urbosa turned to her, clearly pleased and intrigued.

"Let's hear it, Ojari." Urbosa demanded. But rather than simply explain her plan, Ojari deviously crossed the room and leaned into Urbosa's ear, covering it from your view as she whispered. A smile of cruel intention slowly appeared on Urbosa's face.


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