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Justin sat in the waiting room chair, trying to keep his breathing steady. He had been waiting for what felt like ever. He checked his shiny new watch. It was days after his eighteenth birthday, and the watch had been a gift. The timepiece told him it had only been 15 minutes. Was it normal to wait this long? He didn't know. The new Mandatory Penis Inspection law had only been implemented a year ago. Under the new law, he was legally required to submit for a Penis Inspection now that he'd turned 18.

Partly to pass the time, and partly to see if it would relieve his anxiety about the procedure, Justin picked up an informative pamphlet from the table. It explained that the government-employed nurse would measure the length and girth of his erect penis, as well as time how long it took him to reach orgasm. His results would then be recorded in a public searchable database, so that anyone who knew his name and postal code could look up his measurements.

He remembered hearing about the new law in the news for weeks. They did it in the name of "equality," since you can tell how big a woman's breasts are just by looking at her. but a man's dick is a mystery until you get his pants off. And of course, proponents of the law were quick to silence opposition by suggesting any man who was against it MUST be trying to hide his tiny dick. In Justin's case, that was something he did in fact want to hide.

Justin was due to start college in just a few short weeks, and knowing that any girl he thought about trying to hook up with could find out about his undersized genitalia with a few presses of her phone screen felt like the social death penalty.  

But it was too late to avoid it. The receptionist called his name. "Exam room two is open," she told him, pointing down the hall. "Go ahead in, the Inspector will be with you in just a moment. Justin shyly thanked her and headed to the door marked "2."  

The room was furnished with little more than a small cabinet on the wall, a red plastic wastebin, and a leaned-back exam chair like one might see in a doctor's office. Justin decided the best course was to take a seat. The moment he did so, the door swung open again.

A pair of enormous breasts entered through the doorway. It took Justin a moment to realize the woman they belonged to entered the room as well. This woman was dressed in a tight light-pink nurse outfit. Something straight out of a porno. She was staring deeply at her clipboard.  

"Okay, um, Justin..." She paused as she read the name and looked up for the first time. "Oh my god, hi!" She said.

Justin's stomach dropped to the floor. He recognized the face of his Penis Inspector. She was none other than Sara Franklin, his high school's knockout of a former popularity queen. Her long, straight, dark-brown hair, fashionable glasses, and beauty mark on the left cheek were unmistakable, not to mention her impossibly huge bosom despite her otherwise slender body. She was a year ahead of him in school, but he had been whacking himself off to her ever since he was old enough to do so. Justin knew the appropriate response was polite small talk, but he shock of the whole situation left him unable to do anything but mumble a little bit.

"Heh heh, I know this'll be a little awkward since we know each other, but... I still have a job to do here. So, I'm gonna need you to lower your pants."

With no ability to resist, he swallowed what little pride he could, and unbuckled his pants before sliding them down, revealing his shame to the girl of his dreams. A smile immediately curled over the stunning nurse's lips. It took every ounce of professionalism she had to suppress her giggles at the sight of Justin's flaccid acorn, which she did with an unintentionally sexy lip bite.

She cleared her throat. "Now, the first step is getting an erection. I'm authorized to... assist. That's why they only hire pretty girls for this job. Heh!" She joked. Mercifully, she spoke before Justin had to come up with a reply. "But regardless, you have a choice of seeing my breasts, rear end, or genitals. Which would you prefer?"

Justin was about to short circuit. Sara Franklin just offered to show him her goods. But now, he had a choice to make. He'd spent many gym classes glaring at her perfectly plumped round ass in her gym shorts, and if the jocks' locker room talk was to be believed, her pussy was a sight to behold. But his choice was obvious. Her perfect, enormous jugs had occupied almost half of all his thoughts since puberty.  

"Um... breasts please." Justin managed to squeak out.  

Sara nodded, undoing the top few snaps of her tight uniform, freeing her absolutely flawless, enormous rack. As the two humongous tits flopped out into the open, they accomplished their job instantly: Justin's flaccid acorn transformed into it's roll-of-lifesavers erect state almost instantaneously, flicking up like a lightswitch.  

Despite the straight face she had managed to keep so far, the speed at which Justin's meager endowment became erect prompted Sara to let loose a surprised giggle, which made her impressive rack jiggle distractingly.

"Oh! Hee hee hee! That was easy." She stated, not thinking how her remarks might hurt Justin. He was too embarrassed to make any kind of reply. His nurse continued right with business, however, not bothering to put her breasts away.  

"Next step, Length measurement... She produced sewing-type tape measure from one of the room's cabinets and pulled out a section of it, before winding most of it back up, realizing she had pulled out much more than she would need to measure Justin's undersized shaft.  

The poor boy braced himself as Sara held the tape measure over the top side of his throbbing erection. She snorted, trying to muscle past another giggle as she read the results. She marked them down on her clipboard, speaking them aloud as she wrote.

"Thee point five inches..." She said with a laugh in her voice. "By far the shortest I've ever measured at this job..." She quipped under her breath with another snort. Her words cut Justin's psyche, but he was still rendered speechless by the combination of humiliation and arousal.  

"Now, we've got to measure your girth..." She picked up the tape measure again and quickly wrapped it around the middle of Justin's erect nub, which twitched rapidly as Sara's cute fingers grazed the underside. She reads the result, propting yet another giggle and jiggle from her still-exposed tits.

"Three point two inches." She marked down. "Yet another record smallest..." She didn't bother to mutter that one. "Final step..." she explained, putting the tape measure back in the cabinet, retrieving a digital stopwatch. "Is timing your orgasm."  

Justin blinked. In the heat of everything that had happened, he forgot that the last test was getting your cumming speed measured. He would have to jerk off in front of Sara. Which in some scenarios would be everything he’d ever dreamed of. But after this much humiliation, it was just adding insult to injury. And considering how aroused he was, there was no way he was going to last more than a few seconds. Still, after this much humiliation it's not like he had anything left to lose. He placed his thumb and two fingers around his dick in his usual masturbation motion, waiting for her signal to start.

But it never came. Instead, she stopped him. "Oh no, you don't do it yourself. I have to do it. Otherwise some people might cheat and go slower or use weird motions." Sara explained with her still-amused voice, slipping on a tight-fitting rubber glove.

This caused yet another rush of terror through Justin's body. So not only did Sara Franklin see his cock, show him her jugs, and measure his pathetic excuse for a cock, now she was gonna give him a handjob?

Before he had the opportunity to continue that train of thought, he felt a soft, feminine fist enclose his erect weenie. He gasped, prompting a giggle.

"Oh, I guess that technique won't work, It's too short for my fist!" She remarked. She then switched to a fingers-and-thumb grip like he had been using.

"Ready... go!" She said, pressing the button on the stopwatch at the same instant she began stroking. She pumped with a realtively quick, but steady, regular pace. Immediately, Justin felt the urge to blow his load. He did everything he could to hold back, He thought about baseball, tried to do math in his head, all the tricks to delay orgasm. It was practically no use. No amount of distraction tactics could compare to the object of his every masturabatory fantasy giving him a handjob with her gigantic tits on display.  

With a grunt, he felt a rope of warm jizz leak forth from the tip of his cocklette. Sara pressed the watch button, snorted, and read his subpar time.

"Six point four seconds! Hahaha!" She said, no longer trying back to hold back her laughter. She discarded her cum-covered glove and marked down the impressive time on her clipboard, still giggling uncontrollably. "Three for three, all your measurements were the smallest I've ever seen!" She explained through her shrill, humiliating laughter. "Now I know why you weren't exactly getting girls in high school..." She mused.  

Justin sat there, offering no defense of himself. He had been utterly emasculated by the most attractive woman he'd ever seen.  

Once she calmed down slightly, she spoke again. "I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't laugh, but it's just... heh heh, so tiny and...haha, you came so quick, and... hee hee hee!" She resumed her giggling for a moment after another glance at his miniscule manhood before taking a deep breath.

"Ahh. Sorry, that might have been unprofessional of me. You're all set, go ahead and put your pants back on and head out." She instructed.  

He followed her orders, a husk of a man who had experienced total humiliation. Once he exited the room, he heard the door close behind him followed by a muffled fit of uproarious laughter coming from the other side.

He sighed, his modest erection fading. The most humiliating experience of his life behind him. But on the bright side, he’d gotten to see Sara Franklin’s breasts, and get a handjob from her. If only it were under better circumstances. At least it was over… or so he thought, suddenly remembering that those humiliating exam results were about to be published online for the world to see... 


Justin sat in the waiting room chair, trying to keep his breathing steady. He had been waiting for what felt like ever. He checked his shiny new watch. It was days after his eighteenth birthday, and the watch had been a gift. The timepiece told him it had only been 15 minutes. Was it normal to wait this long? He didn't know. The new Mandatory Penis Inspection law had only been implemented a year ago. Under the new law, he was legally required to submit for a Penis Inspection now that he'd turned 18.

Partly to pass the time, and partly to see if it would relieve his anxiety about the procedure, Justin picked up an informative pamphlet from the table. It explained that the government-employed nurse would measure the length and girth of his erect penis, as well as time how long it took him to reach orgasm. His results would then be recorded in a public searchable database, so that anyone who knew his name and postal code could look up his measurements.

He remembered hearing about the new law in the news for weeks. They did it in the name of "equality," since you can tell how big a woman's breasts are just by looking at her. but a man's dick is a mystery until you get his pants off. And of course, proponents of the law were quick to silence opposition by suggesting any man who was against it MUST be trying to hide his tiny dick. In Justin's case, that was something he did in fact want to hide.

Justin was due to start college in just a few short weeks, and knowing that any girl he thought about trying to hook up with could find out about his undersized genitalia with a few presses of her phone screen felt like the social death penalty.  

But it was too late to avoid it. The receptionist called his name. "Exam room two is open," she told him, pointing down the hall. "Go ahead in, the Inspector will be with you in just a moment. Justin shyly thanked her and headed to the door marked "2."  

The room was furnished with little more than a small cabinet on the wall, a red plastic wastebin, and a leaned-back exam chair like one might see in a doctor's office. Justin decided the best course was to take a seat. The moment he did so, the door swung open again.

A pair of enormous breasts entered through the doorway. It took Justin a moment to realize the woman they belonged to entered the room as well. This woman was dressed in a tight light-pink nurse outfit. Something straight out of a porno. She was staring deeply at her clipboard.  

"Okay, um, Justin..." She paused as she read the name and looked up for the first time. "Oh my god, hi!" She said.

Justin's stomach dropped to the floor. He recognized the face of his Penis Inspector. She was none other than Sara Franklin, his high school's knockout of a former popularity queen. Her long, straight, dark-brown hair, fashionable glasses, and beauty mark on the left cheek were unmistakable, not to mention her impossibly huge bosom despite her otherwise slender body. She was a year ahead of him in school, but he had been whacking himself off to her ever since he was old enough to do so. Justin knew the appropriate response was polite small talk, but he shock of the whole situation left him unable to do anything but mumble a little bit.

"Heh heh, I know this'll be a little awkward since we know each other, but... I still have a job to do here. So, I'm gonna need you to lower your pants."

With no ability to resist, he swallowed what little pride he could, and unbuckled his pants before sliding them down, revealing his shame to the girl of his dreams. A smile immediately curled over the stunning nurse's lips. It took every ounce of professionalism she had to suppress her giggles at the sight of Justin's flaccid acorn, which she did with an unintentionally sexy lip bite.

She cleared her throat. "Now, the first step is getting an erection. I'm authorized to... assist. That's why they only hire pretty girls for this job. Heh!" She joked. Mercifully, she spoke before Justin had to come up with a reply. "But regardless, you have a choice of seeing my breasts, rear end, or genitals. Which would you prefer?"

Justin was about to short circuit. Sara Franklin just offered to show him her goods. But now, he had a choice to make. He'd spent many gym classes glaring at her perfectly plumped round ass in her gym shorts, and if the jocks' locker room talk was to be believed, her pussy was a sight to behold. But his choice was obvious. Her perfect, enormous jugs had occupied almost half of all his thoughts since puberty.  

"Um... breasts please." Justin managed to squeak out.  

Sara nodded, undoing the top few snaps of her tight uniform, freeing her absolutely flawless, enormous rack. As the two humongous tits flopped out into the open, they accomplished their job instantly: Justin's flaccid acorn transformed into it's roll-of-lifesavers erect state almost instantaneously, flicking up like a lightswitch.  

Despite the straight face she had managed to keep so far, the speed at which Justin's meager endowment became erect prompted Sara to let loose a surprised giggle, which made her impressive rack jiggle distractingly.

"Oh! Hee hee hee! That was easy." She stated, not thinking how her remarks might hurt Justin. He was too embarrassed to make any kind of reply. His nurse continued right with business, however, not bothering to put her breasts away.  

"Next step, Length measurement... She produced sewing-type tape measure from one of the room's cabinets and pulled out a section of it, before winding most of it back up, realizing she had pulled out much more than she would need to measure Justin's undersized shaft.  

The poor boy braced himself as Sara held the tape measure over the top side of his throbbing erection. She snorted, trying to muscle past another giggle as she read the results. She marked them down on her clipboard, speaking them aloud as she wrote.

"Thee point five inches..." She said with a laugh in her voice. "By far the shortest I've ever measured at this job..." She quipped under her breath with another snort. Her words cut Justin's psyche, but he was still rendered speechless by the combination of humiliation and arousal.  

"Now, we've got to measure your girth..." She picked up the tape measure again and quickly wrapped it around the middle of Justin's erect nub, which twitched rapidly as Sara's cute fingers grazed the underside. She reads the result, propting yet another giggle and jiggle from her still-exposed tits.

"Three point two inches." She marked down. "Yet another record smallest..." She didn't bother to mutter that one. "Final step..." she explained, putting the tape measure back in the cabinet, retrieving a digital stopwatch. "Is timing your orgasm."  

Justin blinked. In the heat of everything that had happened, he forgot that the last test was getting your cumming speed measured. He would have to jerk off in front of Sara. Which in some scenarios would be everything he’d ever dreamed of. But after this much humiliation, it was just adding insult to injury. And considering how aroused he was, there was no way he was going to last more than a few seconds. Still, after this much humiliation it's not like he had anything left to lose. He placed his thumb and two fingers around his dick in his usual masturbation motion, waiting for her signal to start.

But it never came. Instead, she stopped him. "Oh no, you don't do it yourself. I have to do it. Otherwise some people might cheat and go slower or use weird motions." Sara explained with her still-amused voice, slipping on a tight-fitting rubber glove.

This caused yet another rush of terror through Justin's body. So not only did Sara Franklin see his cock, show him her jugs, and measure his pathetic excuse for a cock, now she was gonna give him a handjob?

Before he had the opportunity to continue that train of thought, he felt a soft, feminine fist enclose his erect weenie. He gasped, prompting a giggle.

"Oh, I guess that technique won't work, It's too short for my fist!" She remarked. She then switched to a fingers-and-thumb grip like he had been using.

"Ready... go!" She said, pressing the button on the stopwatch at the same instant she began stroking. She pumped with a realtively quick, but steady, regular pace. Immediately, Justin felt the urge to blow his load. He did everything he could to hold back, He thought about baseball, tried to do math in his head, all the tricks to delay orgasm. It was practically no use. No amount of distraction tactics could compare to the object of his every masturabatory fantasy giving him a handjob with her gigantic tits on display.  

With a grunt, he felt a rope of warm jizz leak forth from the tip of his cocklette. Sara pressed the watch button, snorted, and read his subpar time.

"Six point four seconds! Hahaha!" She said, no longer trying back to hold back her laughter. She discarded her cum-covered glove and marked down the impressive time on her clipboard, still giggling uncontrollably. "Three for three, all your measurements were the smallest I've ever seen!" She explained through her shrill, humiliating laughter. "Now I know why you weren't exactly getting girls in high school..." She mused.  

Justin sat there, offering no defense of himself. He had been utterly emasculated by the most attractive woman he'd ever seen.  

Once she calmed down slightly, she spoke again. "I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't laugh, but it's just... heh heh, so tiny and...haha, you came so quick, and... hee hee hee!" She resumed her giggling for a moment after another glance at his miniscule manhood before taking a deep breath.

"Ahh. Sorry, that might have been unprofessional of me. You're all set, go ahead and put your pants back on and head out." She instructed.  

He followed her orders, a husk of a man who had experienced total humiliation. Once he exited the room, he heard the door close behind him followed by a muffled fit of uproarious laughter coming from the other side.

He sighed, his modest erection fading. The most humiliating experience of his life behind him. But on the bright side, he’d gotten to see Sara Franklin’s breasts, and get a handjob from her. If only it were under better circumstances. At least it was over… or so he thought, suddenly remembering that those humiliating exam results were about to be published online for the world to see...


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