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Recently it was this Patreon first anniversary! (which is at 27th February, I'm late lol...) I can't believe there a number of you who are still around after a year, I can't thank you enough...! Honestly it's just mind-boggling, thank you so much!!!! 

I've had prepared this essay-long of texts months ago but I kept delaying myself from posting it for some reason lol, so I thought this will be a good time to post it in junction with the anniversary! This might be too long for some of you to read so I've also prepared a TL;DR below-

  • Extra doodles as a new benefit for Youkai patrons ($5 tier), however I'll publish the first post to $3 as well just so you know what to expect before increasing your pledge from 3$ to $5
  • Patreon exclusive commission slots as new benefit for both tiers

So you might have heard I've talked this before on my Twitter about this. This might be surprising or sacrilegious (lol) for me to do, but let's just say I've started doodling risque things out of practice/fun and I wanna share them here! Nothing extreme or explicit, just some extra curves. They probably be considered tame to majority of people but it might be jarring to see if you're used to my family-friendly art lmao. Also these doodles might get a bit on the explicit side in the future depending how adventurous I get, who knows? haha 

I've decided to put these risque doodles as a benefit for the Youkai tier ($5 tier)! Honestly, I'm still surprised to see how there are currently more Youkai patrons than Fairy patrons despite having no extra benefits at all! I do felt bad about that so now I think this is a good opportunity to rectify it!  ALSO, I've decided to share the first post to $3 tier as well, just so the Fairy patrons ($3 tier) can have an idea how it looks like so you won't get disappointed by increasing your pledge to $5+

  • Due to this please note this does not at all mean I'm going full blown NSFW soon, I only doodle these type of drawings whenever I feel adventurous and want to try something different. This also puts my anatomy knowledge to the test which I admittedly been lacking and wanted to improve in 
  • I advise against pledging to the Youkai tier solely for these kind of drawings because I cannot promise how frequent I'll be doing them.  So please treat this benefit as something a little bonus for our current extra-generous $5 tier Youkai patrons! 

Furthermore, these kind of drawings may not be posted to the public because I'm not comfortable enough in doing that. I would prefer those who have access to these doodles also not post them to the public too, though I'm aware I have no absolute power over that so do what you will... (´・ω・`;)  (But this might change in the future? If I'm ever comfortable enough to share them with the public...!) Also it has come to my attention that there are people who shared my Patreon stuff outside, but I have no power over that as well, so I'll just deal with it. It's the internet afterall... _( :3 

This is a heads up! You probably had noticed that I've enabled my Patreon to charge up-front for new patrons and those who are formerly Fairy tier ($3) and wants to upgrade to Youkai tier($5), 

If there are any current Youkai patrons  ($5 tier) wants to pledge $5 or more but rather not see the these risque doodles, please DM me and we'll figure something out!

If the current Youkai patrons ($5 tier) would rather not see this part of my art or current Fairy patrons ($3 tier) wants to access the risque doodles, please change your tiers accordingly!  

I'm also planning on opening commissions in Patreon exclusively soon! (which is also will be added as a minor benefit for both tiers) From now on, I will announce commissions on Patreon first, before I announce it to the public (if I intended to do more). So please stay tuned if you're interested.

Thank you for reading this lengthy update post for those who did and I truly appreciate the continuous support!!  Cheers!!!




also sorry for the multiple post notifications, this post is glitching out which made it have multiple pictures in this post when in public mode even though it shows as single pic to me when i tried to fix/edit it, i gave up lol _(:3


i'm looking forward to seeing what you do~