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And here's the extra's! A four girl foursome! Hopefully Hapu has more self control than Iono in the end.
I was initially considering doing Hypnovember... but now my ISP seems to be falling apart. And I already hate that everything I have ready to be posted seems like it'll be delayed. Attempting to make Hypnovember stuff with no guarentee that I might even have internet for half the month because it's unreliable just makes it not worth it.
Apologies if this went live and there's no .zip. I've "uploaded" it twice and it told me it went through. Only for the zip file to not be there when I check afterwards. So I'm kind of paranoid about it.

Edit: My ISP still has no upload. (Seemingly state wide.) And at this point it's reasonable to assume I'm probably not going to be able to upload pictures or anything for a week at most. I desperately want to swap ISP's, sadly there's only one in the area, and it's the only one for most of the state. I'm really sorry for these delays. I'll keep trying to upload the Extra's and will issue an update for this when it it goes through. I also hope the next chapter still goes up at it's usual time. For now, I'm stuck in as much of a waiting game as everyone else.

Edit 2: It uploaded! Thank god!



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