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Hello everyone!
I'm wanting to know if anyone has any recommendations for the next "Trick or Trance" with Choei for next week.
Feel free to give your input on both the girl you'd like to see, and the Trick or Trance method.
Choei is a wild card for it, so it could be as quick as a finger snap, to something like "She throws a grenade which explodes into a bunch of snakes that hypnotize with their hypnoray tails".
I've got a list with the girls and methods, and I'll spin a wheel for both to see who the (un)lucky lady is as well as the method on Friday.
If you want a girl 'tized in a specific way, I'll put down both on the sheets, and put the specific request down on a seperate sheet to be made and posted in the Halloween Grande Finale.
Feel free to tell me either in a comment, in a DM, or via any other way you feel comfrotable with.


Jeremy Williams

I don’t have a method suggestion, but for characters Ami Aiba and her friend Nokia Shirogane from Digimon Cyber-sleuth could be fun