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The battle begins! You know, having Hunter J lay down traps for Neo Plasma's goons was really good. Also the wide variety of people and power Team Bliss can call upon. Who knew Sada's jammer could also mess up the chokers. Shame it wasn't Champion Rosa, but a freed person is still a freed person.
Also! Time to vote for next Side Story girl! Vote is right here and goes until the 31st: https://strawpoll.com/3RnYXpRqxye




For sde story girl i added Akari but specified the NPC not the MC chosn byArceus, i dont wanna involve that potential Drama. Was it Okay for me to Specify NPC Akari, Cyan?


Also Just a Question, but why arent they Making use if Hunter Js petrification Tech, the Ray Gun on her arms turns its victims into a Statue, which would be really useful, why arent they making use of it?


Honestly, if she did that in front of Ren he'd be horrified. Also, Sada would likely have it in her lab to mess with to see a potential use.