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As a precaution, Ren's taking over Nuvema town, asking Hilda and Bianca to do it. Hilda's Mom was utterly terrified of her brainwashed daughter... but a brainwashed Hilda under Team Bliss is preferable to brainwashed under Neo Plasma.
Also, it seems like the Driftveil situation is resolved. But this leads to more questions. If the ships truly weren't a threat, why did 'Erika' disappear? And if she didn't betray them to Neo Plasma, what's her actual goal?
Ren, with the notes left for him by his poisoned self and Neo Plasma grunts notes, is starting to piece the picture together. And while some specifics won't be available, you all might be able to guess what Erika was attempting to do.




I hope iris is coming soon


I will neither confirm or deny who the next girl is... but you'll probably be happy about it. :P