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Time for the first of the two Unova elite four girls!
Shauntal! I guess you could say it's 'out of the frying pan into the fire' for her? But honestly getting away from Neo Plasma and ending up in Team Bliss is closer to going from the fire to the frying pan? I don't know. Ren light this chapter, as he's not used to stacks and stacks of paperwork.




Looking good thanks, i dont mean to sound Ungratefull but didnt you Say Prof Juniper would be with Fennel or have plans changed and she will get her won dedicated part, and if so will Bianca be included since she is Junipers assistant


Next chapter is Bianca, followed by Fennel. I just had inspiration strike for the Shauntal chapter before Bianca.


Or do you mean followed by fennel as in fennel comes after, becasue hasnt fennel already been captured?


I meant Juniper after Bianca. I just woke up and still not entirely on firm ground with Unova characters. My B. But Fennel will have a part in those captures.