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And Ren takes his first steps into Unova! .... After getting off a boat. Ren still cannot deal with boats. But! We start off strong with Lenora, "Dark" Ren and a potential problem lying in wait for the team in Unova.



Jeremy Williams

Uh-oh, better do something about her husband


NGL, Unova is the region I'm most unfamiliar with. Didn't even realize she had a husband. But noted! Even though Ren might not be too focused on that with what he learned from those two ladies.


Why lenora first, Not Prof Juniper, Fennel, who lives in the city before Lenora, or Unova Biance who is Prof Juniper assistant


Honestly, because I know the least about Unova of any other region. I figured Lenora would be a good starting point, especially with where I have the plot in mind of going. Don't worry, we'll see the professors soon.