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We're working on a lot of things related to AIM and ICQ.

These updates will come all at once because they all depend on each other. Fun!


Regarding AIM we have a lot of stuff coming up. Fixes to presence are coming soon which hopefully will fix all those deadlocks we're having.

Another way more fun feature is WebAPI/WIM. WIM was another way for clients to connect to the AIM network, like TOC was. However, it's way easier to use, because it's all HTTP based!

What clients used WebAPI? AIM Express -- the Flash version - used it. Oh, and the mobile apps! iOS and Android apps, for instance, use it. Will they work now, then? Maybe!

WebAPI is also very cool because you will be able to have lil widgets that you can put on your website that show if you're online. And in the future, people will be able to IM you (anonymously) right from your website (if you so choose to do that, of course!)


We plan to have the most complete ICQ support -- ever. That means even ICQ 6.5, which internally is very different to other ICQ versions. Other servers do not implement it properly -- we will. It's gonna be amazing!

We even found bugs present in the clients that other servers don't handle, we handle it all.

Pre-AOL ICQ (aka when it was owned by Mirabillis) is planned but not a high priority right now.

Directory support is the core feature of ICQ and it'll work for ICQ. AIM will also come with support for the barebones directory it has.

How about AOL?

It is coming too, but we have to deploy these AIM/ICQ changes and then AOL can go in full force. We have a lot of stuff coming -- trust us, it'll be amazing.


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