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what a season finale.. this has to be one of the best shows we've seen yet. there was so many elements to this fight that were notable. not only did the theme of the show stay true until the end of the season, of saitama being the best there ever was, but they really went all out with the music, animation, and overall production of this episode. we can't wait to check out season 2 next!

use this link if the video won't open https://vimeo.com/742552986/bb18032b11


One Punch Man Episode 12 (PATREON UNCUT)

what a season finale.. this has to be one of the best shows we've seen yet. there was so many elements to this fight that were notable. not only did the theme of the show stay true until the end of the season, of saitama being the best there ever was, but they really went all out with the music, animation, and overall production of this episode.


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