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I'm deeply thankful to all my patrons, and so, I wanted to ask you first and before anyone else about something I've been wondering for a while. It is your right as much as mine to have a say in the future of the projects you're supporting to create.

It is my thought, that my comics Moonlace and specially Bethellium have been suffering due the slow updates of two or three pages posted each month. Of course there could also be a factor the quality or lack of quality of the writing, but that's not the scope here. My point in this case, is if you think I should aim to post both comics at a minimum rate of 4 pages each month by reducing the level of detail and possibly bringing one of the comics to black and white quality which is faster to create than full color pages?

Or, do you prefer the level of quality of each comic page I've been doing these days even though the updates are slower?

Just as an example, here are a couple of black/white pages I did for my friends of Swashbuckled a couple of years ago. This would be the level of quality I'd aim for, in the given case.

So, what do you think? If you were given the choice, would you rather have more frequent updates in black and white or you'd rather we stick to the pace we're having right now as long as the quality is not lowered at all?

If you have other suggestions, feel free to leave them below. I'm taking every bit of feedback into account.

Many thanks!



I would have a suggestion on this matter, but if ya want to hear it you could poke on discord ^-^;


I always value quality over quantity, they didn't pay Michelangelo to do facepainting on 2000 kids, they paid him to paint the Sistine Chapel. An artist who has reached your level should not be pushed to feel rushed.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this. I really appreciate it :D I'll wait to see what everyone else thinks, but I'm most certainly keeping your kind words in mind.