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A heavy groan brushed against Sara’s lips, collapsing down in a cheaply plush chair. The Artemis library was lavish and pristine. Several levels gazed down upon Sara’s table in layered balconies, each boasting seemingly endless shelves of books containing titles that many students would never see in its entire collection. While on the first floor, Sara could see several glass rooms made for isolated study and group projects, with only half vacancy. A checkout counter wrapped in a near perfect semi-circle near the front, by the strange detectors that would beep as people came and went. Some bookshelves were limited to encyclopedias and other strictly studying material while others stood with more varied collections of specialized topics.

Sara lightly groaned, sucking in what felt like the first relaxed breath of the day, savoring the library’s calm scents of books and Febreeze. Her bag sat on the floor next to her as she slumped in her chair, closing her eyes. Other students around her used more isolated tables on which to catch quick 20-minute naps while others read in the bigger, more comfortable chairs and sat hunched over tables lethargically staring down at their own hastily written notes. Sara knew that she had come to study, but decided to simply sit with her eyes shut for a minute or two while she waited for her study-time companion.

Minutes passed in calm bliss. Sara sat in a state of placid time dilation, simply breathing in and out while she slumped lazily in the mildly comfortable chair. After a while, her eyes blinked open, only to see her study buddy already sitting across from her at the table.

“Oh, Dem,” said Sara, fixing her posture. “Didn’t know you were here.” She arched her back a little and twisted in her seat for a good crack. Demi looked up from her book, a textbook for the history of performance arts. Her dark hair was pulled back in a ponytail, her glasses pushed all the way up the bridge of her petite nose. She smiled sweetly at Sara fixing her hair in the reflection of her phone screen.

“Didn’t want to wake you,” said Demi. “You seem like you needed a rest.” Sara chuckled.

“I can rest later,” she said. “Have to be awake for the track later.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Demi said. “Just don’t be out too late, okay? I’m making chicken marsala tonight and really want to watch the new Netflix documentary.” Sara shot her a smile.

“You and your true crime,” Sara said.

“I got you a cheesecake too, from the cafeteria,” Demi said. Sara whined and groaned, a look of anxious torment stretched across her face.

“Awww, but I shouldn’t…” Sara said, “but that sounds so good right now…”

“You were never this weight conscious before,” Demi commented.

“You’re one to talk,” Sara said. Noticing her volume, she retracted a bit to start speaking softer. She took up Demi’s airy tone in a mocking manner. “‘Oh, I really shouldn’t have another cookie this late right before bed’.” Demi smirked and rolled her eyes.

“I… had an audition and I was trying not to stress eat, enabler,” Demi said, playfully sour.

“Like one more cookie was going to mess you up so badly,” Sara said.

“Well, you can survive a mini cheesecake with me for the night,” Demi said. “If it makes you feel better, we can split it.”

“We’d be splitting it anyway and you know that,” Sara said. Demi grinned, knowing well her habit of taking small bites of Sara’s food whenever she could. “But, yeah, we’ll share it. I can’t get behind on the training just because the season is over.”

“All the more reason to indulge early and work it off later,” Demi said. She took a notebook out of her backpack and laid it out next to her book. Sara sighed upon seeing Demi diligently going over her material, knowing she should have been doing the same. She reached down and pulled her bag up onto her lap. Sara reached in and pulled out her Chemistry textbook and notebook. She snatched a pen from the side pocket and sat the bag back on the floor next to her. She clicked her pen ready and flipped open to the last page of notes that she had taken for the class. Demi glanced up. “Chem still?”

“Yeah,” Sara moaned.

“Is it… coming any better?”

“Maybe, I don’t know,” Sara said.

“What are you on?”

“Covalent bonding,” Sara said, as if the words themselves were bitter against her tongue.

“Hm,” Demi said, thoughtfully. “Do you need any help?” Sara sighed once more and sat back in her chair.

“Nah, I can get it,” she said. “I just don’t like it. Lab classes are the worst.”

“You’re not wrong there,” Demi said. Sara looked around the room. More students had come in to browse the shelves and work at more of the vacant tables. Several study groups had formed both in and out of the private rooms. Some clusters of students convened in circles around the floor, reading and conversing quietly among themselves. Sara tapped the end of her pen against the page in front of her, half filled out with notes on compounds and components of reactivity. Her eyes darted back over to Demi, quietly reading as she jotted down terms, definitions, and page numbers. She sat with an even angelic posture, a natural state that complemented the transparent charm that was the girl herself. Even as Demi stared down at the empty wording of the textbook, her eyes always seemed to sparkle with a naive, enthusiastic interest in the world around her. The beauty that she could see in almost anything was merely the reflection of her own enchanting allure. Sara stared for a moment, soaking in her girlfriend’s presence. After a while, a thought began to form as a grin creeped onto her lips.

“Hey Dem,” Sara said in a hush. Demi glanced up.

“Mhmm?” Demi asked. Sara paused, letting Demni linger on the smile that became more obviously devious. “What?”

“Give me your foot,” Sara said. Demi paused where she sat, her breath briefly caught in her throat.

“What?” Demi asked on pregnant hesitation. Sara leaned forward, smiling cheekily back at her partner.

“Right here,” Sara said. “Give me your foot, just under the table.” A giggle rose up from Demi’s chest, her heart beginning to beat noticeably faster. She slowly turned her head to look around, starting to see more and more students in the library, before Sara funneled her attention back ahead of her. “Hey, don’t worry who’s here. That’s just part of the fun, right?”

“For you, maybe,” Demi said, letting herself grin a bit.

“Yeah,” Sara said, her smile widening. Demi paused once more, her eyes still studying the sincerity of Sara’s expression.

“I assume… you’re enacting the agreement?” Demi asked. She glanced down to her wrist. Across which, Demi wore a series of thin bracelets of woven vinyl.

Each bracelet was a different color with specific meanings in conjunction with markings set by members of the Second Circle Sorority. Demi wore a white bracelet to signal that she was a subservient, or that she most commonly filled the role of a ‘sub’. Sara had been the one to present her the bracelet and decorated it with lettered beads in the order of ‘TICKLISH’. Demi wore a red bracelet with a single white bead to show that she was taken and effectively ‘owned’ in the dynamic of their relationship. She also wore a pink bracelet, as did Sara and most of the other girls in the Sorority, with a specialized bead depicting crossed feathers, to better signify her allure to tickling, specifically to being tickled. Wearing the bracelets had become a gesture of comradery, confidence, and of mild exhibitionism, many of the members collecting many bracelets over the course of their stay to proudly showcase their tastes and kinks.

“You have to do what I say,” Sara said. Demi scoffed a little.

“That’s not what that means and you know it,” Demi said. “Your mom was very clear about that.” Sara sat back. She crossed her arms, her own wrist decorated with black, red, and pink bracelets.

“Okay, no, but…” Sara began, still grinning at the girl across from her. “You know you want to. We’ve talked about it before, but haven’t yet. Come on, you want to too, I can see it.” As much as Demi forced resistance onto her expression, she knew Sara was one of the few people in her life who could see through her acting. Her wide, doe-like eyes dilated, her chest rising and falling steadily faster. She swallowed and gave another quick glance around, nervously tapping her pen against the notebook.

“But… I don’t want to get in trouble,” Demi said softly.

“I know,” said Sara. “It’d be awful to be so rude right here in the middle of the library, right in front of all these people that can see you…” A warmth trickled to Demi’s cheeks. She reached up to lay her fingertips against her lips, smirking slightly as she began to consider.

“You’re so bad,” Demi said.

“And all because you just can’t help giving yourself up when I tell you to,” Sara continued. Demi’s eyes met hers. They glimmered as the two sat, locked in a heated, gaming stare.

“And… uh… what if I don’t?” Demi asked. Sara squinted as her smug sneer widened.

“Then you’ll get it even worse later at the house,” Sara said, frankly. “I know ‘rec 2’ is open for most of tomorrow. It’s been a while since I’ve had to carry you out of there. Or do you want to be a good girl?” Demi huffed through her nose for more performative reservation. She knew Sara was far more tender in her approach to their ticklish playtime than she liked to brag about, in as much as the prospects in exposure left her fighting back against the impulse to squirm in her seat. Demi bit her lip a bit and rolled her eyes.

“Don’t… be mean,” Demi said shyly. Beneath the table, Demi slipped off one flip flip. She raised her leg to slowly place her foot in Sara’s lap, nuzzling into her hands. Demi’s face rushed with color at having her foot so personally handled, particularly in such a public, innocent arena. She clenched a little and looked down to appear as candid as possible. Her eyes glossed over the words on the page before her, but her mind remained with her foot nestled sweetly in Sara’s hands.

“Good girl,” Sara said softly. Demi’s heart pounded. She moaned softly and covered her mouth, not wanting to seem as pleased by Sara’s praise as she was. Demi nervously reached up and stroked her hair as Sara’s hands gently grazed across her bare foot beneath the library table. “See? I can be nice too.”

“Mhmm…” Demi said with an attitude. She picked up her pen and tried to, at the very least, pretend to focus on her school work. Sara’s hands held and caressed Demi’s foot softly. Sara stared back at her while her fingers stroked appraisingly across the top and kneaded into her arch for a soft massage. Her foot was temperate around the sole. It was silky soft and delicate to the touch, like tracing her fingers across early spring rose petals. Sara soaked in the feel of Demi’s foot in her hands, just as intoxicating and inviting as she had always known it to be.

“Hmm… like that?” Sara asked softly. The burn around Demi’s cheeks and ears began to spread. Having her feet handled and tended to so lovingly had since garnered heated reactions ever since she discovered Sara’s fetish back in high school. She never considered them anything special, but since knowing Sara’s attraction to them, Demi found herself particularly drawn to the praise they received. Even passive compliments on how soft or cute they were proved to be enough to send a burning shiver through her senses. Demi wiggled her toes a bit as she closed her eyes, a gentle smile resting across her lips.

“Mmmm, feels nice…” Demi said. She did another passive glance around the library as Sara’s thumbs pressed into her arch. Demi looked back down into her book, focused far more on the sensations teased beneath the table than the words before her eyes. Sara’s stare, when not lazily cast off to one side or another, bore into her expression, studying every intimate twitch and blush that flashed across her face. Demi reached up to stroke a strand of hair back behind her ear.

“Good,” Sara replied. She lingered on a calm, allowing Demi to sink into the relaxed thrill of having her bare foot massaged and played with. After several minutes of gentle rubbing, Sara positioned her fingertips to press lightly at the middle of Demi’s sole. Demi gave no response before Sara’s fingers began to softly skitter in place. Demi’s hands tightened. A smile stretched across her lips as she tucked the bottom one beneath a hearty bite.

“Mmmnnnheheheeehee….” Demi began to giggle. She placed her hand shyly over her mouth, her lips pressed against her knuckles as she pretended to read. Her foot squirmed a bit while the back of her heel rested snugly in Sara’s hand. Sara smirked as her fingers began to trace soft, feathery scratches against Demi’s silky soft arch. She watched Demi’s reaction closely, caring significantly less than her partner about being noticed or making a scene.

“What’s wrong, sweetie?” Sara teased. Demi responded with only more giggles, bashfully hidden behind her hand. Demi’s body twitched slightly as Sara scratched lightly at her plush, warm sole. Demi's toes curled a bit as Sara began scribbling faster, yet still light enough to employ subtlety.

“Mmmmmnhehehe… thhheheheehahat ticklessshhehehe….” Demi giggled softly. She shifted in her seat as more tickles invaded through her foot, as they had many times before. Sara’s teasing tactics came with an experienced essence of allure. She was gentle in holding Demi’s foot in place, despite Demi putting up little resolve in pulling it away. Demi’s giggles fluttered from her lips. Her stifled laughter came hidden behind her hand and any other gesture she could make to put on a more inconspicuous front. She propped her head up with her hand around her mouth, her elbow planted down by her book. She stared down at the words on the page, absorbing none of the information provided. She jerked slightly and peered around to make sure her ticklish display was not distracting the students around her.

“I know,” Sara said. “It’s never not adorable. You have just the cutest little laugh. Why don’t you let it out a bit?” Sara’s nails skittered and scraped against Demi’s bare sole beneath the table. She tickled faster and with more direct, steadily more abrasive strokes. Her nails swiped in concentrated bursts around Demi’s arch, leaving the girl clenching and snorting to contain her laughter. Demi grabbed onto the table. She wriggled in her seat. Her cheeks glowed a bright red hue as her reserved giggling began to attract wandering eyes.

“Neeeehhhheheheehehemmm… staahahheheheeahahap…” Demi laughed quietly. Her foot bent and squirmed in Sara’s hand, yet remained in place to receive the hidden tickles. She did her best to try and keep her volume down, but her anxious wriggling and noticeable laughter began to slowly become too transparent to hide. Demi kept her head down, her cheeks still beaming, as she sat amongst the peaceful library, letting her ticklish foot be playfully toyed with in front of everyone.

“But you’re just so cute, Dem,” Sara said. “I think everyone should see how adorable you are when you laugh, everyone who hasn’t seen it already.” Her nails flicked against the soft, creamy sole. Her nails scratched down to Demi’s plush heel and back up across her arch. They teased with a feathery touch up to the base of her toes, lapping at the intimate warmth and immaculate softness. Demi squeaked and covered her mouth with both hands. Her eyes clamped shut as she sat twitching and quivering in place with ticklish resonance.

“Neeehhahahaahaa… Saahahahahara….” Demi squealed. Others in the area were starting to take notice. Students at other tables and staff behind the checkout counters were beginning to look over. Demi began to turn her head to see the others in the library looking in her direction, stopped only by Sara speaking up.

“Don’t look at them,” Sara said, skittering all five fingertips against Demi’s fraile, ticklish foot. Demi’s eyes opened as she straightened her head back toward Sara. “Just keep looking this way. I want to see just how pretty you are when you laugh.” Demi’s eyes sparkled as she glanced back to Sara. Sara held her foot firmly beneath the table as her fingers continued to push Demi’s ticklish fortitude in front of their candid audience. Demi squeaked once more before falling into another fit of reserved giggles.

“Naaahhhehehehehemmmm…” Demi giggled and whimpered. Her seat anxiously twisted against that of the chair beneath her. Her foot gave little tugs against Sara’s binding grip, but always positioned itself back, as the training had taught her to do. Sara peered around at the others starting to take notice. A few students looked up in their clusters to watch while other faculty and even library attendants began to take passive notice. Sara merely continued to tickle as she turned her attention back to Demi.

“You really have to work on being more subtle, Dem,” Sara said. “You’re really making a scene here.”

“Shahahat aahahaha-up…” Demi laughed. Her toes curled and flexed in Sara’s grasp. Her arms were restless, unable to decide on holding her hands over her mouth or clenching onto the edge of the table for support. Her hair began to loosen from its ponytail while her cheeks retained their candy apple hue. Her eyes clenched shut again, her senses ignited by the lightly skittering tickles as much as they were by Sara’s teasing and loving embrace of her bare foot in public.

“But you’re so pretty when you laugh like this,” Sara said. “All embarrassed and whatnot.” Demi restlessly stifled the giggles and laughter that rose to her mouth, only able to fully restrain about half of each. Sara’s fingers continued to lap away at the girl’s petite sole, kept in place more by Demi’s own whim than by her own lazy cupping of her ankle. She soaked in the sight of Demi’s ticklish fit, restrained as it was. She watched Demi’s expressions closely, drinking in her reserved laughter. She fought against her own anxious burning as her fingertips licked against the sole that she had savored many times prior. She embraced the gentle, humid musk that resonated from the base of Demi’s toes. She toyed with the silky soft textures that only further ignited responses within her unsuitable for public consumption.

“Staahahahahap…” Demi said. “It’s embaaahahahaarrassing…” Demi grew more restless where she sat as the tickles continued to flurry through her senses. Her other leg kicked and hid beneath the chair while her seat twisted more and more against the burning seat. Her bare foot wiggled against the tickles scurrying against it, her toes spreading and curling in random bouts. The only part of her that seemed truly stationary was the leg keeping the foot in place for the tickles to happen. Sara giggled as she watched Demi endure the tickles while failing to restrain her laughter.

“I bet a good handful of the people watching you now recognize you from the Christmas party,” Sara said, smirking slightly. “You’re not showing them anything they haven’t seen already. I bet they're looking at us right now secretly wishing for a turn with you themselves.” Her nails slipped up underneath Demi’s toes. Cupped by the warm, squishy softness, Sara’s fingers dug into the plush recesses of the stems, scribbling deviously against Demi’s hyper-sensitive toes. Demi squealed once more before clamping both of her hands over her mouth, her leg giving her foot the hardest tug yet before hesitantly putting it back.

“Aaaaheekknnnnmmmmhehehehehhahahaha,” Demi laughed into her hands pressed tightly against her face. She stretched both out to cover her face entirely, laughing directly into her palms. Sara held her foot in place with a tighter grip as her nails dug more feverishly into her bare, ticklish toes. She scratched and scribbled against the squirming digits, digging into the delicate spaces underneath. Her nails found the sensitive spaces in between and scratched with a feathery touch. Sara reveled in her girlfriend’s ticklish squeals as much as she did the feeling of her dainty, balmy toes against her fingers.

“Awww, you’re so cute Dem,” Sara said. “I love you so much.” Sara scribbled digging, clawing strokes at the undersides of each of Demi’s toes. Her digits clenched around her fingertips, failing to stop the teasing onslaught of tickles from surging up through her senses. Demi squeaked and bounced in place. She twisted and pulled, struggling to maintain enough composure to keep from pulling her foot away. The eyes of her spectators, all staring through the paranoid veil of a racing mind and closed eyelids, bore down upon her psyche. The weight of their judging stares pressed down upon her chest as she wheezed and struggled to breathe.

“Aaaahhheeeehhhehehhahahaha,” Demi laughed, faulting more and more in her efforts to stay quiet. Sara’s fingers, guided by the teasing desire to instill playful humiliation upon the girl, continued to scratch up and down Demi’s bare foot. She watched as Demi endured the tickling to the best of her ability. She knew the girl could take more as well as she knew how much laughter Demi was truly holding back. Her nails scraped devilishly all over the girl’s ticklish sole, exploring all of the sensitive areas and nerves throughout. As Demi began to surrender the attempt to hold back her laughter, and her leg started tugging harder against the poor, helpless foot, Sara’s fingers slowed into a gentle caress, the pads of her fingertips amorously grazing against the supple skin.

“Shhh, it’s okay,” Sara said softly. The tickles stopped, and soon thereafter, the laughter retreated into mild, residual giggles. Demi huffed deep breaths of air. Her face continued to beam a telling shade of cherry. She pushed herself upright in her seat and stroked back the loose strands of hair from her face. Demi swallowed and nudged her glasses back up the bridge of her nose. She kept her foot still in Sara’s hand while avoiding the stares that she had believed her antics had earned her.

“Humph…” Demi sighed. She looked up as Sara tenderly let go of her foot. Her compulsion to look around and see all those that she had distracted faded in the light of Sara’s smile. What she expected to be Sara’s more performative smirk was the same loving expression she would catch Sara wearing while looking at her, back before she could only speculate on Sara’s true feelings. It was a loving look, the smile showing just a little bit of teeth while her eyes glimmered behind a genuine squint. Demi’s heart continued to race as she disregarded the concern of others while looking back at Sara.

“Wasn’t so bad, right?” Sara asked. Demi chuckled. She stroked her hair and reached her hand out to take Sara’s.

“You’re so mean to me,” Demi said. Her eyes were wide and colorful, her lips parted as she continued to breathe heavily. Sara squeezed Demi’s hand from across the table.

“Yeah, but you love it,” Sara said. Demi shyly looked away, the telling cue of reluctant agreement. She glanced down at her phone sitting next to her and slipped her foot back into her flip flop.

“2:50,” Demi said. “We should probably head out.” Sara groaned and let go of Demi’s hand, slumping back in her chair. “Come on, it’s just one more class.”

“Yeah,” Sara replied. She sat up and grabbed onto her bag. “Then it’s gym and Netflix dead people shows.”

“Only if we have time after,” Demi said, putting her books back into her bag. Sara packed up as well, shoving everything haphazardly inside her backpack.

“After what?” Sara asked. Demi stood up from the seat. She walked around the table to Sara, bending down by her side to whisper in her ear.

“Finishing what you just started, tease,” said Demi, planting a small, pecking kiss against her cheek.


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