Overdue Update! (Patreon)
Hello everyone! So sorry I've been away for a while. This whole month has been crazy, partially with family being in town and spending some time with them. I love them and all, but it does take time away from working on what I need to be doing here, and for that I apologize.
I'm going to keep this short as I am still working today but also feel the need to update you all on what's happening. I am sorry for being late with the next Featherlands chapter. It will be coming later today/tonight. For some brief insight, it was harder for me to get through than usual. Not because of intensity or anything, but just a general disconnect that I attribute to writer's block. Sometimes I go through phases where I don't feel completely attached to the story in front of me and it can make writing anything harder than usual. That, coupled with the time that I've spent away from the computer to be with family, has caused a little delay and I am sorry for that.
I am also working on getting the CYOA up this week, hopefully tomorrow, as promised. It is still an experiment for the first few months of the year and if it works, it'll become a new tier to subscribe to. I've already started on it, so it shouldn't take me more than another day or so.
Other than that, still have a few more commissions to get through. You'll see those pop up here and there over the next few weeks. But really I just wanted to drop in and say that I am aware of the Featherlands delay and will have that to you guys in a few hours. Thank you again for your patience!
We'll talk more later! Love and Tickles!