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Ron tries another male costume in an attempt to earn some tips while on the job. This one is bound to work. 

Honestly, if I wore this costume, I think I would have gotten tips. I probably would have also gotten grabbed a few times. I also would get grabbed in female presenting outfits as well. 

Schedule Note:
I know we would normally be back to Open Trade this week, but doing a little bit of a change up this year. 

Last year we would do 3 weeks of Open Trade and one week of our alternative comic. It made Open Trade post early and earlier and earlier until it was multiple months early. So I'm changing it up. 

This year, the first 3 weeks of each month will be Open Trade, and the remaining 1 or 2 weeks will be our alternate comic. This will help keep things on schedule better, and give more time to do our alternate comics as well. 

The reason I'm saying "alternate comics" and not Dress to Thrill is that I'm expecting Dress to Thrill to end at page 24. Then a new 24 page comic will start after that. We'll keep changing what those stories are every 24 pages. 



jimmy d banthrall jr

people want you to look your best even if it means looking non manly.


There are way better options out there now then there used to me. WildFang is pretty nice.


“I want to be a gi-“ ooh almost said it. Better luck next time