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I took down the Live Chat for a little while, but I still love having you all invovled in the story.  We have a nice space in the story coming up where our girls can answer questions on-stream while doing something else.

If you have a question that you would like to see Stephanie and/or Lexi answer in the actual story, leave it in the comments below along with a name for them to address you with.

I will be chosing somewhere between 1-3 questions for them to answer.   No real preference aside from what seems like the most fun or interesting for our girls to answer.

I look forward to reading your questions

Also, there is a big storm coming through the midwest and east coast. Me and the wife are safely bunkered down as the snow falls. I hope you all stay safe and warm. 



Halima Abdi

Steph: What do you like the most and the least about being a *very* tall woman? How does it compare to your old height? Lexi: Let's say you get to pick your own trade next month. What would be your number-one pick?


Submitting for as Quizman: Steph: How has being a Korean woman affected how you think of your own racial identity given you were White a long time ago? Do you see your former White lady self before the race/ethnicity trade in your dreams sometimes? Actually all the other selves you had from before each trade? I watching the past streams since I found this really late in your trading journey but do you ever rewatch your streams and the changes that happen to you on camera? If you had control over the ethnicity trade, which one would you have picked for Lexi? I’m curious about the ethnicity trade and the language trade, when you changed from a White woman to a Korean woman, did those trades affect your voice like lowering it or raising it in pitch or maybe like you got recasted on a tv show with a different actress? And about your age, which generation do you think is better, the young people or the over 24s? Do you ever miss being 25? Do you feel like Psylocke from X-Men or Cristina Yang from Grey’s Anatomy? Or a mix of both? Do you feel “behind” like you shouldn’t be 18 but rather 25 or at least older? What were you like the first time you were 18 before the version you are now? If your current self time traveled to when you were in high school, would you tell your past self who you are and what advice would you give you from then? Could you show us a photo of the 18 year old you from back then and current you now? How come you never changed your profile pic since doing these trades? If you had a biopic of your life, what actors would you cast to play you? If you have any trades for moles would you use it? Lexi: If you had gotten all of Stephanie’s trades which ones would you pick or skip? If you time traveled to the past and has the ability to change any trade so far, which ones and why? How did you meet Stephanie and were you a part of the bet that all lead to this? Say a guy who became the love of your life fell through a time portal and met your pre-trade self, told you about the trades you got, and even expresses that he still loves your future trade self AND your past self. Would you dump or keep him? Who are some celebrities you feel are your “type”? What would you want your ideal lover’s way to show affection to you? If you had the power to turn Stephanie into any actresses you want, who would be your top 3 options? It’s a lot I know but I’m really inquisitive about it since I’ve been trying to explore the trades myself and it’s kind of a scary daunting thing. But you two are brave!