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Last page before a time jump. Are our girls ready? What do you think the future holds for them?

Our next page (Wednesday) will show our girls a month later. Hopefully also featuring Lexi in clothes that fit. 

We are leaving a bunch of threads dangling, but if we don't, we'll never move forward. We'll see what becomes of all those aspects. 




Here’s to the future… Whatever it may hold

Halima Abdi

Really looking forward to the coming timeskips! Side Note: I wonder what Stephanie thinks about being Korean? It's the elephant in the room, but, does she still think she's white? Or is this something she'll change her mind about over time as she lives with her new ethnicity and language? Could there be a point where she self-identifies as a Korean woman?

Halima Abdi

Well, I hope it takes a long, long time! In universe that is, hopefully it doesn't take another 200 pages haha


Steph avoiding the “you could have stopped this” question lol


200 pages is alot. I guess if I was crafty, I would have made the time jump happen on pg 200.

Halima Abdi

You could always just skip ahead three years (wow hard to believe it'll be three years since the comic started by then), and let the audience find out about all the changes...