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Better late than never. Our page is up and it seems like Stephanie is stalling, or maybe just enjoying herself. 


Comment below in the format of  “Username: Comment”.
You don’t need to be ‘yourself’. You can use made up usernames or make up a character that is watching the stream.
At the end of each month they will be added to each page accordingly.
This is open to all Patrons.  If there is more comments than what fit on the page, I will give priority to Patrons on the “Decider” Tier.  You are welcome to reply to each other. Just keep things Civil.
I do retain the right to omit comments that are offensive or do not fit narratively for one reason or another.
Overall, I like what I’m seeing from you all so far. Keep it up!




(panel 4) MrWafflehats: Hah! Steph let the intrusive thoughts win.

Mr. Domino

I would humbly request that the next monthly pin-up is Steph picking up Lexi and pinning her to a wall much like the famous image. Same clothes, expressions and everything.