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The stream continues as we introduce Lexi's next trade which will be more physically dramatic than the last. Also Steph notices some limits of the system. 


Comment below in the format of  “Username: Comment”.
You don’t need to be ‘yourself’. You can use made up usernames or make up a character that is watching the stream.
At the end of each month they will be added to each page accordingly.
This is open to all Patrons.  If there is more comments than what fit on the page, I will give priority to Patrons on the “Decider” Tier.  You are welcome to reply to each other. Just keep things Civil.
I do retain the right to omit comments that are offensive or do not fit narratively for one reason or another.
Overall, I like what I’m seeing from you all so far. Keep it up!




I wonder what's up with that 4'8" rejection, are Lexi and Stephanie about to be banned from all trades now? They did just announce it on stream, maybe the developers were watching and rushed out a patch or something.

jimmy d banthrall jr

Dreamguardian63 : I have a habit of enjoying my cooking a little bit more than than I should and would like swap 36 inch gut with Lexi. I will include a recipe for my avocado teriyaki melt burger if this swap is chosen 😋😋😍.


It's related to something that I've mentioned a few times when answering questions in the comments or in the discord. I made some rules of what is allowed to be traded by the company/regulations. They haven't really come up in the story. When people were suggesting heights, it kind of forced me to look at those rules where the limit according those rules are and if it is fair. So something we'll get more into as we go.