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Ask your questions below about Con Artist and I shall answer. 

I wanted to touch on some general thoughts on Con Artist and Con Artist Aftermath. 

I orignally had a long plan when I was writing the original story. It was going to be from the start of the story until she hit her front door. Continuing to focus on her efforts to get home. 

I hit a point where I had A) solved the problem of how the new Gwen was going to get home, and B) an ending presented itself as Gwen leaving the con was clearly the end of this chapter. 

The original outline did have Gwen on a road trip home, and in close quarters with someone, who was not Stacy, who had the ability to change Gwen. So hitting some of the same beats that were covered in the Aftermath story. 

I did see the original ending as the end of a chapter. So continuing it wasn't a big choice for me. Where I did struggle and did a lot of finding my way was a bit of trying to figure out the format, and trying to figure out exactly what I was doing with Aftermath. 

I really wanted to do the 3 or 4 panel comic strip. I love the format, but it was just too slow for a monthly update. It look some time to figure out that I just needed to make it a full page. 

Likewise, I realize I just had conflicting objectives in what I wanted to explore. As interested as I am in Gwen discovering what her new life looks like, the pacing just felt so slow. I also wanted to explore that idea of someone changing Gwen. I also had a fear of changing Gwen. At this point she was so established, that it felt like she was kind of locked in place. 

I loved the design of the shifting Gwen/Kendra. It's a look I'll have to come back to for someone else at some point. 

When I hit the point of Gwen and her Dad, it was again a moment of clarity of where I think this needed to go. Really just Gwen/Kendra realizing she could just be herself. As much of herself as she could be, free of accidents or others messing with her. So she could feel free and people know who she was. So I visited the time-travel stuff for that. 

But those are my general thoughts. What do you want to know?



I feel like everything was well explained in the pages, I have no questions