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Playing a little catch up with a captioned image ona Sat Morning. I almost had this done on Friday, but I got pulled away from the desk.

I thought a little Mario themed cap would be fun with the movie being out.

I based her look off of an amazing cosplayer, CheeseCakePanda.

I admit, I wasn't sure what to call the location. Where I grew up we have a number of places that have like mini-golf, and go-carts, and arcades. But all I could think of was 'fun centers'. And I didn't think that was a global thing.

EDIT: I forgot to mention it, but I'm going to start including the PDF of the caps in with these posts. Does that help make these more readable? Or would you like only the main image above and the text posted in this area?




Ah yes fun centers. I have one of those around where I live. Definitely the kind of place you would think of for go karts


Also had the same thing, but there was only one so it wasn’t called anything, lol. It was just called “castle golf” with the main building with the arcade shaped like a castle. There was also a batting cage and bumper boats with a water cannon, included. All of it called “Castle Golf” Wow, haven’t thought about that place in a long time.

Mike S.

I like the pdf !