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This week we are getting the gender transformation of Xavier. I have a bunch of sketches to do with you all. 

Normally when introducing a new character or a new version of a character, you need to do some drawings to really figure out how they look and make sure they stand out. I don't think I took a lot of time when I made Xavier the first time. It was something I came up with on the fly and it more or less stayed the same ever since. 

Also, Xavier wasn't intended to be trans when they first hit the page. A few months into writing I realized it was the case, and I started to seed little comments and moments from Xavier into the story here and there. Trying to let it grow and let readers figure it out as we went. But this unintentional plan left me with a pretty strongly masculine design that I wasn't sure how I was going to translate into a more feminine looking character. 

With Wyatt/Stephanie, I did a bit of a cheat. After getting her first shower, her hair laid flat, and I did make it a little bit longer than it was before to give her more a femme look. Xavier's hair is very distinct. It's pretty tall. So there is some hidden length there that I can play with. But making it flat seems like it takes away from Xavier. So I wanted to find away I could keep it up and find a balance. 

There are also Xavier's other featers of a larger, stronger nose and the tooth gap. I ws nervous, but almost out of the gate, I think everything together kind of works, and think makes a cute design. 

You can see with some of the sketches that I started playing with the idea of more of a punk look for Xavier. I think when you are playing with these stronger features, it's a style that a lot of trans girls kind of gravitate towards. It's a style that tends to be accepting and embraces more of these features. At least that has been my personal experience and felt a lot of trans energy with this. 

Clothing wise, I think we are going to keep the vest. It's absolutely a locked in part of her style. But starting to see mixing it with some graphic tees, or the vest on it's own. As well as starting to add some decoration to the vest. I wouldn't be shocked to see it start to shift into more of a bodice or a corset over time. Also holds up with a bit of Xavier's accidental 70's look.




Just don't give X a Phyllis Diller look :)

Nathan Racher

She seems a bit punk Mohawk type woman. With a bit of femme fatale.