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Playing around with the idea of building a comic story around some D&D players. Still fleshing out the idea. So these 4 caps I'm going to make won't link up perfectly as I work on knocking the idea around. There are some world building and rules I'm still working on. 

But hopefully it's still fun for you all. 

What Species (new term for Race in D&D) and Class combo do you like to play or like to see?



Halima Abdi

Let’s go for something unexpected; an orc wizard or bard!


Oddly enough, fiancée,Alyssum, made an orc wizard for me to play in her campaign.


my absolute favorite character waws a Gnome Barbarian, she was the best, we even got her a st bernard mount. Plus she was super low charisma, she was stupidly overconfident going into fights.