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Gwen and Kalya make a deal to help each other out. Will it work out?

Brining in the story in for a landing. Makes each of these pages harder, but hoping to have a good ending for y'all. 

Catch up on Aftermath Here 




Let's hope "Kendra" gets to go back to being Gwen and live out that life, and hopefully get to experience dating men and feeling what that's like.

Alex Smyth

I disagree with Lady Aceina. While I also liked how the original comic ended, I felt bad for Kendra/Gwen in that while she finally got to be a woman, she was stuck as a woman she wasn't entirely happy with being. While she liked aspects of who she became, there were other parts about being her that she didn't like and now couldn't fix. This do over now gives her the chance to fix those mistakes, as well as keep some of the stuff about Gwen West she liked and make that who Kendra North will be. Also, considering the circumstances that Stacy and Kayla (including the "do what people tell you to do" command Kendra/Gwen and Stacy gave Kayla, which was pretty messed up to say the least), this would be a great way to undo the changes to them and fix them as well. So looking forward to more of this story. Really hope Kendra finally gets to be the woman she's always wanted to be.


The feedback from everyone has been interesting to read through. Mostly tells me that I if I'm going down this road, I better make it worth while. Readers as a whole tend to hate things being undone, or having a journey made pointless. I'm going into this knowing this is a very difficult tightrope. Hoping people will like where we land. I'm largely not addressing any of the detailed thoughts, as you may or may not be pretty close.