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I'm playing around the idea of the next side comic story being D&D inspired. I like the idea of it affecting a group of 4. We can watch how all 4 of them change and react to their changes. But I'm not sure how much of the story takes place inside of the game and how much of the story takes place in the real world. How much of the game world should affect the real world?

So I'll open the floor to you loyal deciders. 

So you want to see them changed in the game world? real world? or both?

Should they be all still be human? only as far as elves, or is anyone a tiefling walking around in the real world?

What are you favorite character race (ancestry) and class combinations?




I'd love to see a story about in-game changes affecting the players out of games. I feel like some races/ancestries might be a bit too much for IRL changes, but tiefling or yuan-ti pureblood could be quite fun!


Yeah, that's where I'm trying to feel things out. Where is the line for too far. I haven't played a Yuan-ti yet. Those are the snake based ones?


Assuming mages are able to use magic out of game, glamor spells can certainly help to disguise the less human races. That or those races are able to shift into a more human form


That will have to be decided. Magic will exist for them to end up like this in the first place. But I don't want to give them the option just go back to normal and avoid things.