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EDIT: I did not get everything done leaving on a trip, as I had hoped. So Pages 90 & 91 will be delayed slightly. I'm going to update the content and calendar below. 

Hey folks, I felt like doing to a little check in as we go into August. Nothing crazy going on, but just an opportunity to talk directly to you all. 

Comment Section: I'm going to be at big convention this week, so I will not really be around with pages post. I always encourage questions, comments and discussion. I will just be very slow to respond to stuff later this week. 

Post Times: Last few month I posted a bunch of things early or at midnight (Central Time). This month will be going back to posting new content at 9am CST as everything will be done ahead of time. 

Delays: It was wishful thinking, but there will be a delay by a couple days for 90 & 91

Conventions: I'm starting to attend conventions again. I'll be attending as a fan at a big gaming con this month. Next month I'll be tabling once more. It's odd to be getting back out there. But it's nice to get out, travel and get some 3-way.  I don't expect next month's con to have any impact on the schedule. 

Weight Loss: Exactly a year ago, I started a new weight loss journey. I'm happy to report that I lost 53.4 lbs. I'm still losing and hope to give a report at the end of the year, or maybe next year!

Page Count: There was a drop off of Patrons last month. Largely due to some bots getting purged. But none-the-less, it did temporarily set us back on our goals and pages counts. So this month Open Trade will be 5 pages. Con Artist Aftermath will be 1 page

I wouldn't be shocked if Open Trade is back up to 6 pages next month. It is very very close to accomplishing the goal once more. 

I think that covered everything I was looking to ramble about. If not I'll make some updates to this page. 

Please leave any questions you have in the comments below!


Aug 1: Page 87 

Aug 3: Page 88

Aug 5: Page 89

Aug 9: Page 90

Aug 11: Page 91

Aug 13: Decider Poll

Aug 18: Con Artist 20

Aug 25: Pin up

Aug 28: Captioned Sketch




Congratulations, you go you. Reach your goals that you strive for.

Nathan Racher

Congrats on losing the weight.


Thanks! I've stalled a bit the last couple weeks but making progress once again.