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Sturkwurk has been working on some pride images featuring characters he's created over the years. He took some time to do Harper/Victory and Grace from the Ballad of Harper Kelly. I wanted to share the wonderful bi-babes with all of you as well.




bi-babes? ...You're telling there is some untold story related to Harper's man-crush? :D ...just asking - sort of accurate description if we consider what happened before they got married ;)


In story is the first time Harper acted on those feelings. But she does have them for men. If she wasn't married, she could easily be some guy's arm candy. Ita not a huge part of the story but it is mentioned that Harper's sexual orientation is never changed. Libido however is turned up at some point. Other characters mention noticing pre-change Harper's lingering attention on men.


Well, RoseGiver threw me off - I thought that was sign of further changes towards female. + First time we saw Alex was with Kelly Harper, we never saw how Harper Kelly was behaves around him... ...So, I need to adjust my mental image and assume that Harper had similar reaction :)


The girls kind of mention that male Harper had some reactions to Alex as well, but sadly we don't really see it. I think with the dreams and the changes and booze Harper/Harmony was more prone to act on those feelings that he pushed back before. Admittedly more behind the scenes thought process that I didn't put on the page in any signifigant way.