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Welcome to the new feature for our Deciders. We did a test run earlier with a previous body swap styled captioned story.  This time we have a bit of a bridal story. 

There is a pdf of the story below incase that makes it easier to read for anyone. 

If we get to the new story unlock, these caps may be the basis for a new story. It will depend on how much people like stuff, and there would be a poll if the time ever comes. 

I have a few ideas in the chamber. Howeve, I'm tempted to open to floor to suggestions. But might need ground rules. As I don't want to just take someone's story. But if there is a style or trope people want to see a cap of leave a comment of something you might want to see. 

(Yeah, it's a day early. I got antsy.)




Definitely has potential.


Oh my. :)


I think my head went through 4-5 different versions of this story before writing this one.