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The next trade is going to trade out Wyatt/Stephanie's education. Currently Steph has a degree in Mass Communications. A lot of focus on film and graphics. Also includes you basic math and science, as well as advanced writing, promotion, basic programing skills. We are going to look at some specialty educations to swap with. 

The idea being that someone may have chosen one of these specialized areas and no longer wants to go that way, has burned out, or just never found success, and wants to get a degree with some more career options. 

I considered putting the option for Stephanie to switch with someone with a much more limited education, and it didn't seem to pay off as much in the long run. Likewise, someone with a much more advanced degree has a lot more options than swapping with Stephanie. Although as Steph gets more popular, people could be willing to trade with her just for fun. 

NOTE: This is going up a day early. I'm gonna be limited over the next two days, and I like being around when these are posted. 



Anything but cosmetology just too cliché


C'mon medical, nearly there.