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Doing some ground work this month as we establish some rules of how Wyatt can move around the world as changes continue. 

Also, LIVE CHAT is active, and we want to hear from you, or your persona. Leave a comment in the format "Username: Comment" to have your comment added to the live chat. 



Martin Lock

Wyatt's looking good. In the last panel, I'd say "IN keeping with," and have "updated" as one word. In England we'd say (panel 2) "couple OF streams," but that's an example of how English and American versions of English differ sometimes.


I don't know how much of it is American or just the way I specificly speak. It would be more grammatically correct to add the articles of speech in there. Rhythm of speech feels more natural to me with them missing. There are some habits of mine, I do actively "fix" to keep things from being repetitive. "Updated" I will fix. Thanks for the catch.

Martin Lock

It's strange the difference on "couple" - we both say "two apples" and "a pair of apples," we just go a different route with "couple." It's entirely possible that the of-less version goes back further in its usage, and that the valiant pioneers who moved to North America retained that version, while back in the old country, a change crept in...

Sam Mann

Pannel 2- Sman288: Wyatt! Have you been posing for yourself?

Sam Mann

Panel 4 - Congrats Wyatt! I'm getting mine in the mail later this week ^^


It's a thing where if I was writing a book, or a formal release, I would write "...a couple of apples." Future edits may also come back to request me to put the 'of' back in as well. I think due to the speed and sound, 'of' gets lost to the ear when speaking "a couple of apples" and we get got used to hearing "give me a couple apples". Could easily be something that's been around for 100+ years. Also an example of something that is not acceptable in grammar, but allowed in dialog. Then an entirely different set of rules are used for internet discourse.


DudeBro420: You doing this too? I got mine yesterday.