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Going to do this poll a little early incase we need a second poll next month. So the while the next update will not include the results of this poll. It does help me prepare.
I have some other things planned for next month. So stay tuned. 

So we not repeat options two trades in a row, we have 4 new options on the table.
Please let me know of any questions in the comments. 

Also, check out our spreadsheet with all of the potential options on it. Feel free to add your own suggestions in the comments or directly onto the sheet. 

Note: I'm going to be away at a convention this weekend. So I'll be slow to respond to things. 


Mr. Domino

Let's just keep in mind that education level doesn't equate to being smart or dumb. Plenty of people out there that have their degrees...But don't know all that much beyond that sphere of interest, while people that may have dropped out could be self taught and know a lot of stuff, but just don't have that little piece of paper saying they graduated. Just wanted to point that out to other voters. If this is the choice that wins, though, I say we don't get a run-off poll to pick which specific education level she ends up getting. Make it random for us.


I guess I'm the only one that wants to see Wyatt with a tattoo.


I'm torn. I think it would be cool. But then I also have to draw it all the time lol.


Let's go team booty. Come from behind!


Seriously torn between education and hips. On one hand I'm all for a well developed bottom, but there's so many directions you could go with education. Though given that the trade is temporary you could easily end up with a 'Flowers for Algernon' situation.

Halima Abdi

The possibility of a 'Dr. Hunter M.D.' posttf, its a powerful image... But that cake tho


Say Roseleaf? A thought occurs. To what extent might changes to hips/butt or height affect traits like weight or build/fitness? Thinking about it, some changes might affect more than one trait without us necessarily intending it to.

Halima Abdi

Hips would definitely give her a pear-shaped figure, if it literally makes her hips and pelvis wider. It'd def be different walking around with hips wider than your shoulders, so much swinging around with all that weight... Between that and her height increase, she's going to be bumping into things a LOT.


Education level isn't really a trait, it is more something you earn externally, I mean iq or speed of comprehension that feels more like a trait.... Just a thought


While, looser of a trait, it is something that can be somehwat definable, and can change what you become. So we are going to count it here for story purposes.

Mr. Domino

C'mon education, you're only down by three votes! You can do it!