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Time to take down Gwen's booth. Packing up with the end of the convention so she can go home. 




Looking at the banner Gwen is taking down, I find the heading 'Double Feature' seems to be the direction Gwen is now heading. And with a bit of soul searching I might add.

David Stewart

i know how Gwen feels about being short, but i look on the bright side, at least i don't have to worry about hitting my head on any low door frames

Halima Abdi

At least she's got some cute boots! The real question is, what kind of home is she coming home to, now that she was born Gwen?


I think she should totally go for the comic goddess title.

Alex Smyth

1) Seeing her whole outfit now, I kind of dig it. Kind of tomboy-ish (jacket over t-shirt and jeans), while also a little feminine (jacket seems to come down only to her midriff (not sure what those jackets are called) and high heeled boots). 2) "What if this was always a part of me that I wanted to express?" Possible, I think. Though maybe there could have been more in the comic to suggest this. 3) "Ugh, being short sucks." Yes, I feel like it does. i grew up being one of the shortest kids in my classes, but at least got taller as I got older and am now 5' 8". I understand not wanting to be so tall, but I feel like there's a middle ground between being too short and too tall. 5' 7 - 5' 10", I think would be a good average height and I wish Gwen could of had a height like that. Not too tall, not too short. 4) "Wanting people to see me as cute and pretty." I don't think you need to so short to be seen as "cute and pretty". If I could get to become a girl, I would also like to be seen as cute and pretty, but I also wouldn't want to be so short though. 5) "Was I that concerned about some image in my head, that I didn't think I could also be the same person I was before?" To be fair, she almost wasn't able to be the same person she was before. Thanks to the last of the magic Kayla told her about, she was able to keep parts of her old self and still be somewhat the same person she was before. So her not being able to be the same person she was before was at least an understandable concern.


Outfit - I wanted something that Ken would wear and very appropriate for a girl like Gwen. Expression - fair. Might be too little too late. But wanted to visit that these where images in Gwen's head and her expectations better or worse. Short - me being evil. I like short. Indont think height has to do with cute. Just happened in this case.