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More trying to feel out an idea to see if it works, or if I'm way off base. 

Should people know Gwen is trans?

Hypothetically, in Gwen's new reality she is a fully transitioned transwoman. Doesn't account for her age. But could explain the name stuff. Or is this something that doesn't fit. Or awkward that people would know. 


Alex Smyth

If I was under the same spell as Gwen, I would make myself born and raised a girl. I wouldn't want to make it so that I was born a boy and years later, I would eventually become the girl I want to be. I would prefer to have the memories and experiences of a lifetime growing up as a girl, so that I would have always been the girl I want to be. A tomboy geek girl. That being said, if Gwen is a fully transitioned transwoman, does that mean she was born a boy named "Ken North" and then transitioned to being a girl and changed her name to "Gwen West" or changed her name to "Gwen North" and just uses "Gwen West" as a stage name for her cosplaying? If so, then my vote would be for Gwen to be publicly out as trans. This way, she can keep important stuff from her old life, like her family, and still be a woman, like she always wanted to be. Sure, she doesn't seem to like how she looks as a woman, but hopefully Gwen can figure out a way to change that too ("These hourglass curves are just padding for my costume"; "This hair is just a wig for my costume"). So hopefully, Gwen can get to be the woman she truly wants to be and not truly lose her old life. Gwen can have her cake and eat it too.


That is really the trade off here. Trying to clean up some name stuff vs. her gender identity. This isn't the only option. Was just the one I thought of last night. And seems like my suspicions that this isn't the best idea is probably correct.

Halima Abdi

Most likely, if we go with the idea that Gwen is AFAB, she's had an entirely different life. Different parents, different upbringing, different childhood friends, etc. That could be interesting to see! Gwen is definitely going to need some help relearning her life and 'remembering' it. Physically, she seems like she's used to her body now, but it would be neat to see Gwen interact with someone who was much like she was at the beginning, before the spell, to show just how far she's come!

Martin Lock

The votes have been pretty overwhelming on this. Which saves Gwen from having to say, "The doctors were wonderful, especially on changing my figure, though I'm not sure why they decided to make my height nine inches less."