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The solution! Or at least the attempt!

We will go every other day on releases this month. See you on the 3rd. 




Well, one of my guesses turned out correct. Now all that remains is to see how well this works. I guess the next question would be, why did she choose to use a pen name? FYI, I've been back State side for a bit now and with everything happening in the world now I find myself wishing I was back in Antarctica

Mr. Domino

C'mon magic, give her this! It's just really important to me, as someone that can't draw but desperately wants to, that Gwen regain the ability to be an artist...Or in this case, at least a writer. Hopefully the magic gives her a mulligan and equates 'wrote this book' with both actually writing it and drawing it.


If I say "I believe you Gwen" will that help the magic make it true for her? I really want this for her.

Alex Smyth

1) I hope one of the next things Gwen says is that "Gwen West" is just a stage name she uses for writing/drawing and cosplaying and that her actual name is "Gwen North". So that this way, Gwen won't lose her family and her family (parents, sibling(s) (if she has any), etc.) won't lose her. 2) I agree with Mr. Domino about why Gwen would use a penname being because of sexism. This is why I hope Gwen can find a way to change herself so that she's no longer a booth babe. I hope she stays a cosplayer though, in addition to being an artist/writer. Gwen seems to enjoy being a cosplayer (designing and making the costume), but is unhappy with the booth babe part (having an overly curvy body, having to dress overly sexy, having people nag her for pictures constantly, having dudes creeping on her and be gross to her). She seems to like being a cosplayer, but not a sexy cosplayer/booth babe. So I hope Gwen gets to keep being a cosplayer, but as like a side hobby to her main career as an artist/writer. This way, Gwen can continue to be who she actually wants to be, while using her experiences to embrace something new and fun that she could enjoy as well.