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This is a thing that happens on the convention trail. I have mixed thoughts on it. I do have a little stash of gifts that people have given me at conventions. But I've never openly requested for people to bring me stuff. I know a good number of artists and cosplayers that do. Mobilizing their armies for snacks and beverages. 

Pg 4 is going to be a little slow this month. May be Weds, but hopefully sooner. I have some personal obligations that are slowing down my page making. 



Martin Lock

I hope your stash at home isn't mainly snacks and beverages - that might attract mice...


It's been random little nicknacks. I've gotten a few food items. I've sadly tossed most of them, unless prewrapped. Did have something from a pro chef that was super nice.

Halima Abdi

I just realized something. Being so much younger, growing up as a girl, with (likely) a different mother or father means that she's gonna have a ton of childhood friends and family she knows nothing about! That sounds like it'd be a huge issue for her, she might have to do something to fix her amnesia...