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And here we go with the last batch of pages for Issue 4. 

We will wrap things up this this part of Gwen's life in Issue 5, and kick off that off next month!

All the pages are wrapped up early this month, so everything is going to be posted on time! See you tomorrow, to see if Gwen really just slipped up. 



Martin Lock

All good stuff. I'd go for "You thrive on" rather than off, but that's probably due to me being over on the right side of the Atlantic Ocean... while in panel 2 "I... getting a lot of attention" might be better with an "I'm" at the start, though that doesn't go too well with the um... Most of the attention Gwen's been getting comes from people demanding selfies, of course!


I think "on" is probably the grammatically correct answer. In my head, I want to say off. But my heart knows it's wrong.

Mr. Domino

But here's the thing (and I might be forgetting a detail of this) but does it still count if she just responds to a declaration like that, instead of saying it herself? I mean, I assume it will, but I feel like if she doesn't say "I really do thrive off of attention" then it wouldn't take effect.


Stuff that clicks tends to either be repeated or have emotion behind it. So we shall see.