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I took a bit of a week off from the comic last week. Trying to refresh my brain and rest my back. But still the tablet called to me to do some sketches. It was nice to do some non-comic sketches. So I did a sketch of my Monday Night D&D Campaign. So above are the characters in the adventure. 

I'm playing the goblin. I did work in a bit of a TF story in the game. 

We have been playing with this group for 2 years. We've had two characters change up their characters over the years, and I've been playing the same run away princess elf, not ready to take the thrown. In her adventures, she's been fighting and kicking ass, trying to lay low, not wanting anyone to know who she is. Even though she constantly gives her real name to people, and name drops her title when ever she needs something, or the problem gets too tough for her. Even impersonating her sister for two weeks to get all the perks and open doors for herself. 

The story forces princess elf to go back home, where she reluctantly agrees to take the throne, after an other year of adventuring to complete the quest she is on. Her sister isn't thrilled with this. Losing the throne she has been training to take, because princess elf shows up out of no where. So  sister guilts the princess into a deal. 

If the princess wants to travel anonymous and go under the radar, she'd help her out. Having the elf princess turned into a goblin for the next year. She can turn back next year, providing that she's able to get back into the castle with no proof of who she is. 



Halima Abdi

Cool campaign idea! The princess better watch out; that plot sounds like a recipe for betrayal.

Martin Lock

Sounds like fun - is that an old-time in-person all-sitting-round-a-table Dungeons & Dragons campaign, or an online version? I played the 2002 'Neverwinter Nights' online game a lot, often with friends... that was D&D related, yes?


Yeah, she hasn't realized how screwed she is, as he sister also is hanging on to her one-of-a-kind easily identifiable necklace for "safe keeping"


We are a mix of sit around a table and online. We play with dice, but distance and schedules keep up from sitting at the table in the same place on a weekly basis. So we play over Skype/Zoom. We do plan 2-3 in-person sessions a year when we get near larger plot points/finales/etc.

Alex Smyth

I'm not usually into D&D. The closest I've come to anything kind of D&D related was when I played Hero Quest, a kind of board game version of D&D (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HeroQuest), as a kid (I always got stuck playing the dwarf). That being said, I like the idea for the story for this campaign. I hope the princess elf is able to turn herself back to normal and stop her sister. Also, who are the other characters in the other pictures? What's their backstories?


I haven't done D&D for years. We have been doing a weekly dart game with other field camps on the radio. We started out doing ok but were getting better until they disqualified us. They found out we didn't have a dart board :)


We are kind of making up the story as we are going and still learning about some. And this is going to be a lot from my perspective. I'm bias and completely paying attention to things that don't concern me. The dragonborn, was once a pirate, but has now dedicated herself to being a paladin seeking forgiveness for her past actions. She has a bit of a thing for the elf princess. The Halfling bard is a boisterous hero that will talk about himself forever and ever. He disappeared mid mission. We went to the next town and there is a theatre announcing his death. Inside a play is depicting his life with an actor playing the part of our bard. He looks exactly like him. The drow elf is new to our party.