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So....When I was plotting, my intention was that Stacy is appearing at a different convention as Gwen. That Stacy is not here to help or support Gwen. That Gwen is alone. 

As some of you noticed, the story reads as if Stacy is at this convention. So that is going to be our choice today.

BEFORE YOU VOTE.... Read. This choice makes a huge difference in the story. 

If Stacy is at this convention : This solves a lot of Gwen's problems. She has a way home. You'll see Gwen's new home life faster. See the damage she's done. And we get new TF stuff faster. 

If Stacy is NOT at this convention : Gwen is broke and needs to find away to Cinci for the next con where she will meet Stacy. She's going to be uncomfortable and desperate. Plans for TF stuff, but that TF stuff might mess things up with Stacy and rewrite her home life before she gets there. 


Halima Abdi

I feel like Stacy *not* being there would make for a more interesting story, since Gwen would be struggling more with her transformation, and make things more interesting, following more of a three-act structure (set up problems, characters try and fail, climax is reached, problems are resolved) than just skipping straight to the end of this particular story beat. But that's just my opinion


Completely see what you are saying. I can say I have things planned for both paths. So hopefully both would be good routes to go. While somethings might end up "Easier" for Gwen. They won't be "easy". Unless Gwen calls herself "easy", which hopefully she's smart enough to avoid.

Martin Lock

The question "Why are you here and not at the con with your girlfriend?" was a bit ambiguous, in retrospect, and could have meant that Stacy was at a different convention... but it seems that more of us want to make life easier for Gwen, and see her meet up with Stacy in next month's pages.


I think it's a worthy idea to explore. Give the story a bit of a turn.