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Kayla is here to tell us about how the spell works. I know there were a lot of questions about this, so I thought this might help. 



terry gene

hmmm, and the only spell check I can handle is built-in Word.

Douglas C. Fowler

Hopefully she might slip and comment on having such a forward profile (sorry that came off rather juvenile). It would balance things out though....

Martin Lock

Panel 1, "the spell I cast" surely? Panel 2, at the end, "IF it isn't..." And finally, I'd be tempted to add a dash or something in the last panel: "The spell just gave her what she needs to be - what she tells people she is." Or is it "The spell just gave her what she needs, to be what she tells people she is." Or something different? That's my "spell check" anyway!

Lisa Thomas

what I'm wondering now, is there still a Ken out there somewhere? If so, is he TG or content in his own skin? What would it be like if a doppelganger Ken meets Gwen? Ok...too much coffee this morning.


All good questions, but not giving any answers on this topic. Considered a lot of possibilities that are all within the rules. We will see what happens.


Thank you! Will have to make those edits. I caught the "IF" too late.