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Hi folks! I'm working on the next poll and I thought I'd share some inside info with you. 

So normally when I'm thinking of a poll for you to weigh in on, I'm looking at something that with be addressed in the next couple updates. I like it when you can see the results of the poll quickly. Like with Gwen's hair and eyes. 

Sometimes I'm asking a poll for something that needs to be addressed quickly in the story, but the winning choice is something that is more of a slow burn. 

For example I asked about Gwen's love interest a while back when she was hanging out with Tiffany. I honestly thought you all would pick Tiffany or Kalya leading a to a quick payoff. You opted for a new character to be created, which is awesome! But that did result in nothing immediately happening in the story on that front while I work on developing this new character. 

The same goes for Gwen's home not changing and remaining Columbus. There is going to be so much cool stuff to explore from that choice. But it's going to take her a while to get home, since she has no ID.

If Gwen was from LA the effects of the choice would be seen pretty quick. But we would have missed out on Gwen going home and having see all the people she grew up with in her new form. It's gonna be fun. 

So basically my point is, don't be discouraged if sometimes the results of a poll takes a little  while to appear in the story. I did not forget. I take all your choices to heart and I love having you shape the story with me. 

New poll coming soon. 

-- Roseleaf